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Choralia is a website devoted to training aids for choirs. Choralia's final goal is to encourage the diffusion of choral music by helping choir singers tomore easily study and learn their parts.
The website is online since March 2006. Some training aids were originally prepared more than 10 years before, for internal use of some choirs in Italy, without distribution via internet. The increasing number of requests to prepare training materials suggested to use internet as a convenient way to collect further requests and to distribute training aids worldwide.
Choralia is entirely run by an individual, Massimo Capozza (http://www.capozza.it). All training aids, web pages, etc., are made by him as a hobby.
Yes. Both websites share the same goal, i.e., to encourage the diffusion of choral music. CPDL is based on a collaborative model for distributing sheet music, while Choralia is an individual effort devoted to choral training aids. CPDL is a primary source of sheet music for Choralia, while Choralia sponsors CPDL by donating a fraction of any donations received. Massimo Capozza, manager of Choralia, is also a CPDL manager.
Yes and no. Anybody can download Choralia's training aids for free. However, the actual use of training aids is subject to Choralia's license policy, where a donation of any amount is supposed to be made by users.
Personal use for training purposes is allowed. You can also share Choralia's training aids with others, provided that you meet the requirements of Choralia's license policy, including, but not limited to, informing other parties that Choralia's training aids are copyrighted. The Choralia's license policy applies to anybody makes use of our training aids.
No. If, after having tried our training aids, you decide that they don't suit your needs and you don't use them, you are not supposed to donate any amount. However, if you use them, you are supposed to donate an amount that you deem as reasonable for the benefits you get.
Donations from individuals are typically in the 5 - 50 Euro range for each work. Choirs typically collect donations from several singers, so donations are typically in the 20 - 200 Euro range. The smaller donation values apply to small works like motets that have one movement only. The larger donation values apply to larger works like Masses or oratorios that include several movements.
Through the "Donations" page you can donate on-line using your credit card or PayPal account. Please email us or use the "Special donation form" above if you want to use alternative ways to donate.
A part of all donations is donated to the Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) to operate, maintain, and develop the CPDL website. The remaining amount is used to cover Choralia's operational costs, such as web hosting services, hardware/software used to produce training aids, purchasing of sheet music, etc. . Since 2022 a donation allows also the user to obtain an "ads-stop" code that can be exploited to use Choralplayer without advertisements (see details on the Choralplayer website).
All files provided by Choralia are stored on servers physically located in United States of America. Copyright laws of U.S.A. apply. The works for which training aids are published on Choralia are either in the public domainin the U.S.A., or permission has been obtained from the relevant copyright holders, or they are provided under the "Fair Use" conditions as per Title 17, Chapter 1, para. 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.
After Choralia's training aids are downloaded from our servers, users are responsible to meet the requirements of their local copyright laws and regulations. Please be aware that works that are in the public domain in the U.S.A. might not be in the public domain in other countries (e.g., in the European Union), due to different regulations. The "Fair use" doctrine as it is intended in the U.S.A. might not be recognized in other countries. A copyright warning is shown on the catalogue pages for works that are most likely subject to restrictions in other countries. Anyway, the ultimate responsibility to check and meet the requirements of local copyright laws when using Choralia's training aids is with the user.
The manager of Choralia, Massimo Capozza, owns all the applicable intellectual property rights of the Choralia's training aids, such as creative components added by him,
electronic performance rights, broadcasting rights, etc. . Use of training aids is permitted under license. Choralia's license policy is based on the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license policy, plus some Choralia-specific additions. Anybody who receives training aids made by Choralia is to be regarded as a Licensee, who may use the training aids under the license conditions described hereafter.
The training aids are provided for the Licensee's individual use only. However, the Licensee is allowed to copy and distribute the training aids to other people, who will automatically become Choralia's Licensees, too. The Licensee shall inform any person receiving a copy about the Choralia's license conditions described herein and about the
Choralia's donation policy. Specifically, if copies of Choralia's training aids are made for other people, a donation to Choralia for each copy should be made. The donation may be made either by the person who makes the copy, or by the person who receives it. People receiving a copy of the training aids without knowing whether a donation was made or not for such a copy should consider making a donation on their own.
The Licensee who duplicates and/or distributes the Choralia's training aids must not make any profit from it. The Licensee may recover costs for materials (e.g., recordable CDs or tapes) without profit. Any copies must not be sold for profit.
Commercial distribution license is exclusively granted to the following distribution network and to the relevant partners: RouteNote.
The act of receiving and using any training aids made by Choralia is deemed as agreement to this license.
The license may be changed or withdrawn at any time.
The Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license policy applies for any other conditions not described above. In the case of conflict between the above license conditions and Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license, the above license conditions prevail.
Yes, you can. However, you have to inform any person receiving a copy about the Choralia's license conditions and about the Choralia's donation policy. See details about Choralia's license policy above.
No, you cannot. You may only recover costs for materials (e.g., recordable CDs or tapes) without profit. Any copies must not be sold for profit.See details about Choralia's license policy above.
If you are a copyright holder and you believe that Choralia is infringing your intellectual property rights, please notify us via the contact information available on the top of this page. In your notification, please specify any content for which you are the copyright holder, and include the elements specified in the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of the U.S. regulations.
Choralplayer is a mp3 file player specifically designed to help choir singers learning their part. The use of Choralplayer is suggested to Choralia's users, even though it is not mandatory. For any details about Choralplayer, please visit the Choralplayer website.
Choralplayer is copyrighted software provided by a third party, and the software license fee is paid by displaying advertisements on the Choralplayer web page. See details on the Choralplayer website.
No, you can use a standard mp3 player if you like. Please read the mp3 manual for details.
Yes. If you make a donation to Choralia you will receive an "ads stop" code that allows to use Choralplayer without advertisements. Choralia will pay the copyright fee for Choralplayer on your behalf, for an amount approximately equivalent to the revenues that would be generated by the advertisements that the "ads-stop" code suppresses. As a consequence, the "ads stop" code will suppress the advertisements for a number of accesses to Choralplayer that depends on the amount of the donation. See "What's the reasonable amount of a donation?" above for the suggested donation amounts. The smaller donation values should be sufficient to learn, without advertisements, small works like motets that have one movement only. The larger donation values should be sufficient to learn, without advertisements, larger works like Masses or oratorios that include several movements.
Yes, of course. Almost all training aids available in the catalogues were created upon request. Please contact us via email or using the "New work request form" above.
This may be possible or not, depending on intellectual property rights of third parties (e.g., the composer, the author of the keyboard reduction, etc.). Please contact us via email or using the generic communication form above.
Training aids produced by Choralia are provided "as they are", without any form of warranty. As all training aids are available for downloading free of charge, the user is supposed to try them autonomously, and determine whether they are adequate for the user's purposes or not. Use of training aids produced by Choralia implies the acceptance of the materials and of the license conditions "as they are".
We use specific technologies to minimize the number of errors (wrong note pitch, start time, or duration) present in our training aids. However, it is impossible to guarantee 100% error-free materials. Error ratio is estimated to vary from 10e-3 (i.e., one wrong note every one thousand notes) to 10e-5 (i.e., one wrong note every 100 thousand notes), depending on the availability of alternative sources to cross-check our materials. Error notifications are welcome, and errors are corrected as soon as possible. Please contact us via email or using the "Error notification form" form above. After the appropriate checks, an up-dated version of the training aids, including the relevant corrections, will be published.
Any personal information are treated in compliance with the applicable data protection laws and norms. Email addresses collected are never provided to others without authorization.
Please contact us via email or using the generic communication form above.