Kyrie eleison (semi-coro)
Kyrie eleison
Be merciful, be gracious (I)
Rescue him, o Lord (semi-coro)
Rescue him, o Lord (contralto I)
Rescue him, o Lord (contralto II)
Go, in the name of Angels and Archangels (semi-coro)
Go, in the name of Angels and Archangels (contralto I)
Go, in the name of Angels and Archangels (contralto II)
Low-born clods of brute earth (contralto I)
Low-born clods of brute earth (contralto II)
Praise to the Holiest (I) (semi-coro, contralto I)
Praise to the Holiest (I) (semi-coro, contralto II)
Praise to the Holiest (I) (contralto I)
Praise to the Holiest (I) (contralto II)
Praise to the Holiest in the height (contralto I)
Praise to the Holiest in the height (contralto II)
Be merciful, be gracious (II) (semi-coro)
Be merciful, be gracious (II)
Lord, Thou hast been our refuge
Praise to the Holiest (II) (semi-coro, contralto I)
Praise to the Holiest (II) (semi-coro, contralto II)
Praise to the Holiest (II) (contralto I)
Praise to the Holiest (II) (contralto II)