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Magnificat anima mea Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Suscepit Israel Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Gloria Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Sicut erat in principio Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices

Magnificat anima mea Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Suscepit Israel Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Gloria Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Sicut erat in principio Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices

Magnificat anima mea Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Suscepit Israel Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Gloria Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Sicut erat in principio Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices

Magnificat anima mea Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Suscepit Israel Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Gloria Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Sicut erat in principio Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices