All the training aids provided by Choralia are stored on servers physically located in United States of America. Copyright laws of U.S.A. apply. The works for which training aids are published on Choralia are either in the public domain in the U.S.A., or permission has been obtained from the relevant copyright holders, or they are provided under the "Fair Use" conditions as per Title 17, Chapter 1, para. 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. Training aids of copyrighted works published at Choralia under permission can be downloaded and used for training purposes without limitations. A permission statement is present on the web page and/or on the CD covers of the works published under permission. Works published on Choralia without permission and that are in the public domain in the U.S.A. can be downloaded provided that they are also in the public domain in the country where they are used, or provided that the "Fair Use" principles are recognized in such a country (see next). Works that are in the public domain in the U.S.A. might not be in the public domain in other countries (e.g., in the European Union), due to different regulations. Whoever downloads training aids from the Choralia web site is responsible to check that the downloading and the use of such a specific work are permitted by the copyright laws in his/her country. Works published on Choralia without permission and under the "Fair Use" conditions can be downloaded provided that the "Fair Use" principles are also recognised in the country where they are used. "Fair Use" as intended in the U.S.A. might not be recognized in other countries (e.g., in the European Union), due to different regulations. A "Fair Use" statement is present on the web pages for works published under "Fair Use" conditions. Whoever downloads training aids from the Choralia web site is responsible to check that the downloading and the use of such a specific work are permitted by the copyright laws in his/her country. Copyright holders
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