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Choralia - Reference scores

Training aids produced by Choralia are based on the reference score editions listed hereafter. Differences (usually minor) may be found if other editions are used. On this page of The Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) website you can find a list of works present at CPDL with training aids available at Choralia.

Author, title
Reference edition
A. Adam (arr. J. Rutter) - O holy night (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC904
A. Adam (arr. C.L. Hutchins) - O holy night (Cantique de Noël/Minuit, chrétiens) CPDL #21613 (in French), CPDL #20587 (in English, first two verses only, according to the original arrangement)
A. Adam (arr. J. Raney) - O holy night (Copyright) Hope Publishing Company, C6160
J. Adams - A song of peace (Da pacem Domine) (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1337
D. Adler - No higher name (Copyright) Edition available on the Dan and Sandy Adler website
D. Adler (arr. D. Semsen) - Resurrection chant (Copyright) Word Entertainment 080689998270
D. Adler - We celebrate the love of God (Copyright) Word Music Inc., 1994
J. Alain - Fantaisie pour choeur à bouche fermée (Copyright) Editions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum SC 8611
J. Alain - Messe de Requiem Doblinger D.15.347
T. Albinoni - Magnificat Edition Kunzelmann GmbH, No. 10 184
H. Aldrich - God is our hope and strength A-R Editions, Inc., B085
H. Aldrich - I am well pleased A-R Editions, Inc., B085
H. Aldrich - My heart is fixed A-R Editions, Inc., B085
H. Aldrich - O give thanks A-R Editions, Inc., B085
R. Aleotti - Vidi speciosam CPDL #42493
G. Allegri - Miserere CPDL #2690
J.C. Altnikol - Befiehl du deine Wege IMSLP #65818 (Fritz Brodersen)
J.K. Alwood (arr. S. Kirchner) - Unclouded day (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., ISBN 979-0-051-48038-8
J. Amner - Come, let's rejoice CPDL #20765
L. Anderson (arr. H. Ades) - Sleigh ride (Copyright) Shawnee Press 798124
B. Andersson, T. Rice, B. Ulvaeus (arr. A. Eljas) - Anthem (Copyright) Universal/Union Songs AB, Stockholm, Sweden
F. Anerio - Christus factus est CPDL #47869
Anonymous (arr. S. Webbe) - Adeste fideles CPDL #30863
Anonymous (arr. E. Lojeski) - Amazing grace (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 08300531
Anonymous (arr. E. Pettman) - The angel Gabriel (Gabriel’s message) CPDL #06144
Anonymous (arr. M. Sofianopulo) - Cuando el rey Nimrod (Copyright) From "Shalom! : canti ebraici, jiddisch e ladino per coro misto e pianoforte", Pizzicato Edizioni Musicali
Anonymous - Dadme albricias, hijos de Eva CPDL #03659
Anonymous (arr. C. Wood) - Ding dong! Merrily on high CPDL #26343
Anonymous (arr. R Gibson) - Down by the riverside (Copyright) Alfred Publishing Llc. 49684
Anonymous (transcr. B. Bettinelli) - E tuti i vòl la Gigia (Copyright) Edition available on the digital archive of Club Alpino Italiano (CAI)
Anonymous (arr. A.M. Wall) - Gaudete! Christus est natus CPDL #30990
Anonymous (arr. A. Nyberg) - I denna ljuva sommartid (Copyright) Camp Music, Sweden, 1979
Anonymous (arr. D.L. McIntyre III) - Il est né, le Divin Enfant CPDL #56198
Anonymous (arr. E.J. Moore) - An Irish blessing (Copyright) From "4 voices - Das Chorbuch für gemischte Stimmen", Helbling, HI-C4967
Anonymous (arr. E. Wuorela, J. Chydenius) - Kaipaava (Copyright) Sulasol, SULS1217
Anonymous (arr. G. Aldema) - Ken bakodesh chaziticha (Copyright) Merkaz Letarbut Ulechinuch, M.L./II/144
Anonymous (arr. J. Klimek) - Kling, Glöckchen CPDL #21538
Anonymous (arr. L. Bok) - Khumbaya (Copyright) MusicSpoke, n.a.
Anonymous (arr. A. Blyth) - Hallelujah, salvation and glory (Copyright) Hal Leonard, DAM334346
Anonymous - Hanacpachap cussicuinin CPDL #07491
Anonymous (arr. E. Daniel) - Il fait grand froid (Copyright) La Boite à Chansons, collection Philippe Caillard, PC200
Anonymous (arr. M. Barrett, R. Schmitt) - Indodana (Copyright) Santa Barbara Music Publishing, SBMP 1177
Anonymous (arr. M. Gohl) - My Lord, what a morning (Copyright) From "Sing along - Sing together!", Edition Peters EP 11401
Anonymous (arr. P. Caillard) - Noël alsacien (Copyright) Edition Philippe Caillard X 256
Anonymous (arr. J. Maggs) - Plenty good room (Copyright) G. Schirmer, Inc. 12479
Anonymous - Puse mis amores CPDL #08395
Anonymous (arr. J. Erb) - Shenandoah (Copyright) Lawson-Gould Music Publishers, Inc., L.G.Co.51846
Anonymous (arr. C. Wood) - This joyful Eastertide CPDL #23459
Anonymous (arr. M. Barrett) - Thixo onothando (Copyright) Walton Music WW1705
Anonymous (arr. M. Barrett) - Tuba (Copyright) Walton Music WW1700
Anonymous (arr. W. Ehret) - 'Twas in the moon of wintertime (Copyright) G.I.A. Publications, G-1849
Anonymous (arr. J. Rutter) - When the saints go marching in (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC-1143
J. Arcadelt (arr. P.L.P. Dietsch) - Ave Maria IMSLP #207787 (André Van Ryckeghem)
J. Arcadelt - Il bianco e dolce cigno IMSLP #130385 (Les Éditions Outremontaises)
J. Arcadelt - L'hiver sera et l'été variable The Chester Book of Madrigals, Volume 4 - The Seasons, Chester Music CH55495, HL14025417
S. Argov (arr. G. Aldema) - Shir erets (Copyright) A vocal array: Israeli songs arranged for choir - Modan Publishing House
H. Arlen (arr. M. Ijames) - Over the rainbow (Copyright) Alfred Music 46951
K.A. Arnesen - Even when He is silent (Copyright) Walton Music #WW1579
M. Arnold - Laudate Dominum (Copyright) Lengnick & Co., 3717
G. Asola - O vos omnes CPDL #02235
E. Astorga - Stabat mater IMSLP #128149 (C.F. Peters, 7284 )
M.D. Atwood - Mild the mist upon the hill (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1575
F. Azzaiolo - Al dì, dolce ben mio CPDL #57972
F. Azzaiolo - Già cantai allegramente CPDL #3666
F. Azzaiolo - Sentomi la formicula CPDL #01188
L. Bacalov - Misa Tango (Copyright) Edition available on the website of Associazione Regionale Cori Pugliesi
C.P.E. Bach - Magnificat G. Schirmer, Inc. 42278
J.C. Bach - Magnificat in C CPDL #30148
J.C.F. Bach - Die Kindheit Jesu IMSLP #46247 (Breitkopf und Härtel, D.D.T. LVI)
J.L. Bach - Das ist meine Freude Carus-Verlag - CV 30.002/02
J.S. Bach (arr. D. Murra) - Air on G string (SATB version) (Copyright) CPDL #41181
J.S. Bach (arr. R. Sandberg) - Bach (again) - Come sweet death (Copyright) Colla Voce Music, 45-21064
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern" BWV1 Bärenreiter BA 10001a
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein" BWV2 Carus-Verlag CV 1.660
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Christ lag in Todes Banden" BWV4 Bärenreiter BA 10004a
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden" BWV6 IMSLP #24174 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.6)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Meine Seel erhebt den Herren" BWV10 IMSLP #24178 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.10)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen" BWV11 IMSLP #24179 (Breitkopf und Härtel, N.B.IIII.1)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen" BWV12 IMSLP #98142 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.12)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ich hatte viel Bekümmerniss" BWV21 Bärenreiter BA 10021-90
J.S. Bach - Ich hatte viel Bekümmerniss BWV21 (1st item) CPDL #19779, accompaniment from IMSLP #24187
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe" BWV22 IMSLP #24188 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.22)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn" BWV23 IMSLP #24189 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.23)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wir danken dir, Gott" BWV29 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7029
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Freue dich, erlöste Schar" BWV30 IMSLP #24196 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.30)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" BWV33 Edition available at onlinesheetmusic
J.S. Bach - Cantata "O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe" BWV34 IMSLP #91508 (C.F. Peters, 5840)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Schwingt freudig euch empor" BWV36 IMSLP #24206 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.36)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot" BWV39 IMSLP #24209 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.39)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Dazu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes" BWV40 IMSLP #24210 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.40)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wer sich selbst erhöet, der soll erniedriget werden" BWV47 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7047
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ich elender Mensch, wer wird mich erlösen" BWV48 IMSLP #24218 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft" BWV50 IMSLP #84619 (Philip Legge)
J.S. Bach - Komm, o Tod from "Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen" BWV56 IMSLP #24226 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.56)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" BWV61 Bärenreiter BA 10061-90
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" BWV62 IMSLP #206932, #206956 (Fritz Bodersen)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Christen, ätzet diesen Tag" BWV63 IMSLP #24233 (Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Sehet, welch eine Liebe" BWV64 IMSLP #24234 (Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen" BWV65 IMSLP #24235 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.65)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen!" BWV66 IMSLP #254252 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.66)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt" BWV68 IMSLP #254254 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.68)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wachet! Betet! Betet! Wachet!" BWV70 IMSLP #24240 (Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Alles nur nach Gottes Willen" BWV72 IMSLP #24242 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten" BWV74 Carus-Verlag 31.074/03
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Jesu, der du meine Seele" BWV78 IMSLP #24248 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild" BWV79 IMSLP #24249 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" BWV80 IMSLP #24250 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke" BWV84 IMSLP #258050 (Breitkopf und Härtel, J.S.B. I.84)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten" BWV93 Carus-Verlag 31.093/03
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ihr werdet weinen und heulen" BWV103 Carus-Verlag 31.103/03
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" BWV106 Kalmus K 06047
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Unser Mund sei voll Lachens" BWV110 IMSLP #24283 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht" BWV 118 IMSLP #24291 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Das neugeborne Kindelein" BWV122 IMSLP #24354 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Herr Jesu Christ, wahr'r Mensch und Gott" BWV127 IMSLP #24359 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir" BWV131 IMSLP #24379 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Erschallet, ihr Himmel from "Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß" BWV134 IMSLP #24382 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren" BWV137 IMSLP #24385 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" BWV140 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7140
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Uns ist ein Kind geboren" BWV142 Free sheet music available at SheetMusicFox, apparently consistent with the BGA
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin" BWV144 IMSLP #24413 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben" BWV147 (complete) Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7147
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Jesus bleibet meine Freude" from BWV147 Werner Icking Music Archive, edition by André Van Ryckeghem
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich" BWV150 Carus-Verlag 31.150/03
J.S. Bach - Herr, wie du willt from "Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe" BWV156 IMSLP #24425 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn" BWV Anh. 159 IMSLP #246622 (Kurt Pages)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Erschallet, ihr Lieder" BWV172 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7172
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt Ding" BWV176 IMSLP #24445 (Breitkopf & Härtel, J.S.B.I. 176)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Himmelskönig, sei willcommen" BWV182 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7182
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Ärgre dich, o Seele, nicht" BWV186 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7186
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied" BWV190 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 7190
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Gloria in excelsis Deo" BWV191 IMSLP #24461 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Der Herr denket an uns" BWV196 IMSLP #06543 (BGA), accompaniment from IMSLP #24466
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Der zufriedengestellte Aeolus" BWV205 IMSLP #872712 (Breitkopf und Härtel, No.7205)
J.S. Bach - Cantata "Auf, schmetternde Töne der muntern Trompeten" BWV207a IMSLP #872715 (Breitkopf & Härtel, No. 6971)
J.S. Bach - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV225 Bärenreiter BA 5193a
J.S. Bach - Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf BWV226 Bärenreiter BA 5193a
J.S. Bach - Jesu, meine Freude BWV227 Bärenreiter BA 5193a
J.S. Bach - Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir BWV228 Bärenreiter BA 5193a
J.S. Bach - Komm, Jesu, Komm BWV229 Bärenreiter BA 5193a
J.S. Bach - Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden BWV230 Bärenreiter BA 5193a
J.S. Bach - Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren BWV231 CPDL #16668
J.S. Bach - Mass in B minor BWV232 Breitkopf & Härtel EB 8700
J.S. Bach - Mass in F major "Lutheran Mass" BWV233 Bärenreiter BA 5182-90
J.S. Bach - Mass in A major "Lutheran Mass" BWV234 Bärenreiter BA 5183-90
J.S. Bach - Mass in G minor BWV235 Bärenreiter BA 5184-90
J.S. Bach - Mass in G BWV236 CPDL #29318
J.S. Bach - Magnificat BWV243 Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072529
J.S. Bach - Magnificat BWV243 (A = 415 Hz) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072529
J.S. Bach - St. Matthew Passion BWV244 Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072478
J.S. Bach - St. John Passion BWV245 Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072489
J.S. Bach (?) - Furcht und Zittern from "St. Luke Passion" BWV246 CPDL #06839, accompaniment from IMSLP #124039
J.S. Bach (?) - St. Luke Passion BWV246 IMSLP #304515
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 1 Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 1 (A = 415 Hz) Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 2 Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 2 (A = 415 Hz) Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 3 Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 3 (A = 415 Hz) Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 4 Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 4 (A = 415 Hz) Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 5 Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 5 (A = 415 Hz) Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 6 Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Christmas Oratorio BWV248 - Cantata nr. 6 (A = 415 Hz) Bärenreiter BA 5014a
J.S. Bach - Osteroratorium BWV249 Carus-Verlag 31.249/03
J.S. Bach - Osteroratorium BWV249 (A = 415 Hz) Carus-Verlag 31.249/03
S. Baiocchi - Benedetto sei tu Signore (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
S. Baiocchi - Kyrie (Missa Tu es Petrus) (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
A. Banchieri - Selection from "Barca di Venezia per Padova" CPDL #19330
A. Banchieri - "Capricciata" and "Contrappunto bestiale alla mente" CPDL #24765
A. Banchieri - Intermedio di solfanari (SSA version) From "La pazzia senile", IMSLP #28322 (Ricordi 104296-97)
A. Banchieri - Intermedio di solfanari (TTB version) From "La pazzia senile", IMSLP #28322 (Ricordi 104296-97)
S. Barber - Agnus Dei (Copyright) G. Schirmer, Octavo No. 11486
L. Bárdos - Jubilate Deo (Copyright) Editio Musica Budapest Z.14868, ISMN 979-0-080-14868-6
S. Barnett (arr.) - Goin' home to God (Copyright) Oxford University Press - Spirituals for Choirs - ISBN 978-0-19-343537-7
M. Barrett - There’s no rock gonna shout for me (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL 00357348
D. Bartolucci - Ave verum (Copyright) Sheet music available on the website of Fondazione Domenico Bartolucci
D. Bartolucci - Jubilate Deo (Copyright) Sheet music available on the website of Fondazione Domenico Bartolucci
D. Bartolucci - La Passione (Copyright) Fondazione Domenico Bartolucci, Rome, 2010
D. Bartolucci - In te credo (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
A. Bartschmid - Mass of the Holy Cross Schirmer/Boston Music Co. BM.Co. 1797
R.A. Bass - Gloria (Copyright) Randol Bass Music, RBM-101
R.A. Bass - Seasonal sounds (Copyright) Randol Bass Music, RBM-119
G.B. Bassani - Missa a la Fuga de San Joseph Fondo Editorial Asociación Pro Arte y Cultura, ISBN 978-99905-890-7-8
J.N. Beck - Christmas welcome (Copyright) Beckenhorst Press, Inc., BP1277
L. Van Beethoven - Choral fantasy op. 80 CPDL #7322
L. Van Beethoven - Hallelujah from "Christ on the Mount of Olives", op. 85 Novello NOV290212 (English text), Breitkopf & Härtel E.B. 1415 (German text)
L. Van Beethoven - Mass in C op. 86 Breitkopf & Härtel nr. 10581
L. Van Beethoven - Meeres Stille und Glückliche Fahrt op. 112 Breitkopf & Härtel nr. 10580
L. Van Beethoven - Elegischer Gesang op. 118 CPDL #50121
L. Van Beethoven - Missa solemnis op. 123 Breitkopf & Härtel nr. 10544
L. Van Beethoven - Finale from Symphony nr. 9 op. 125 IMSLP #6310, 6311, 6312 (Eulenburg Ed. 411)
V. Bellini - Selection from "La sonnambula" IMSLP #112078 (Ricordi 41686)
P.P. Bencini - Magnificat a 4 From "La Cappella Giulia - Volume I: i vespri nel XVIII secolo", Libreria Musicale Italiana, ISBN 88-7096-120-6
J. Bennet - Weep, o mine eyes CPDL #10743
Bergling, Al Fakir, Pournouri, Pontare, Maggio (Arr. M. Brymer) - Hey brother (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 00131227
I. Berlin (arr. K. Shaw) - What'll I do? (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 08665999
I. Berlin (arr. C. Warnick) - White Christmas (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 00005497
H. Berlioz - Méditation religieuse IMSLP #26470 (Breitkopf & Härtel H.B. 34)
H. Berlioz - Messe solennelle Bärenreiter BA 5463a
H. Berlioz - La mort d’ophélie CPDL #03274
H. Berlioz - Choirs from "Roméo et Juliette" Bärenreiter BA 5458-90
H. Berlioz - The Shepherds' Farewell Oxford University Press - Carols for Choirs 1 -ISBN 978-0-19-353222-9
H. Berlioz - Te Deum Bärenreiter BA 5782a, Breitkopf & Härtel EB8061
R. Bernier - Le berger d’air pur (Copyright) Edition Cranz, A.C. 48396
R. Bernier - Le mage (Copyright) Edition Cranz, A.C. 48396
L. Bernstein - Chichester psalms (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, M051321407
L. Bernstein - Gloria tibi from "Mass" (Copyright) Leonard Bernstein Music Publising Company LLC, OCTB-6344
L. Bernstein - Maria (SATB arr. by M. Huff) (Copyright) From "West Side Story Choral Suite", Hal Leonard Corporation 00450161
L. Bernstein - Somewhere (arr. by R. Edgerton) (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL.450073
L. Bernstein - Choral selection from “West side story” (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL.450059
B. Bettinelli - Ninna nanna (Copyright) From "Tre canti popolari lombardi", Edizioni Suvini Zerboni
B. Bettinelli - O Jesu dolce (Copyright) From "Tre espressioni madrigalistiche : per coro a 4 voci miste", Zanibon 5073
B. Bettinelli - Sia calmo il mio respiro (Copyright) From "Madrigali a cinque voci miste per coro a cappella", Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, ESZ.11065
F. Biebl - Ave Maria (SAATTBB version) (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC1251
G. Bizet - Choirs from "Carmen" G. Schirmer, Inc., ISBN 978-0-7935-5360-0
G. Bizet - Les pêcheurs de perles Edition Peters EP 7700, alternative versions from IMSLP #89241 (Choudens A.C. 992)
G. Bizet - Te Deum A.J. Benjamin, N. Simrock, 1971
P.P. Bliss (arr. M. Hayes) - It is well with my soul (Copyright) Beckenhorst Press, Inc., BP1581
J. Blow - God is our hope and strength From "The Restoration Anthem Volume 1 1660-1689", Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-395379-6
J. Blow - Selection from "Venus and Adonis" The Early Music Company Ltd.
C. Boller - La vigne de printemps (Copyright) Foetisch Frères Editeurs, No. 7573
M. Bonds - The ballad of the brown king (Copyright) Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc., ALF0049
M. Bonds - Credo (selection) (Copyright) Hildegard Publishing Company, 492-00228
M. Bonds - St. Francis’ prayer (Copyright) Hildegard Publishing Company, 392-03111
A. Borodin - Polovetsian dances from "Prince Igor" CPDL #13365
L. Boulanger - Hymne au soleil IMSLP #334020 (G. Ricordi, 116511-12)
L. Boulanger - Psaume 24 IMSLP #265971 (Durand & Cie., D. & F. 10481)
L. Boulanger - Sous bois IMSLP #749422 (Cmaj7)
L. Boulanger - Vieille prière bouddhique IMSLP #523369 (Doug Addy)
G. Bourgeois (arr. P. Huwiler) - L'amitié (Copyright) Edition available on the website of Pierre Huwiler
G. Bouzignac - Ave Maria CPDL #01314
G. Bouzignac - Noe pastores From "Guillaume Bouzignac - Motets", Vol. I, Éditions du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, CAH.61
W. Boyce - Alleluia CPDL #05049
J. Boyd (arr.) - Infant so gentle (Copyright) WB Music Corp. TM-448-6
E. Brackett (arr. A. Copland, I. Fine) - Simple gifts (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, OCTB-1903
J. Brahms - Begräbnisgesang op.13 CPDL #35996
J. Brahms - Ein Deutsches Requiem CPDL #11832
J. Brahms - Ein Deutsches Requiem (version in English) Novello NOV070062
J. Brahms - How lovely are Thy dwellings (see note) Novello NOV290130
J. Brahms - Der englische Gruß from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.1 CPDL #20005
J. Brahms - Marias Kirchgang from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.2 CPDL #20006
J. Brahms - Marias Wallfahrt from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.3 CPDL #20007
J. Brahms - Der Jäger from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.4 CPDL #20008
J. Brahms - Ruf zur Maria from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.5 CPDL #20009
J. Brahms - Magdalena from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.6 CPDL #20010
J. Brahms - Marias Lob from "Marienlieder" op.22 no.7 CPDL #20011
J. Brahms - Psalm 13 op.27 CPDL #10824
J. Brahms - Geistliches Lied op.30 IMSLP #104113 (Breitkopf & Härtel, J.B. 101)
J. Brahms - Fünf Lieder op. 41 IMSLP #102776 (Breitkopf & Härtel, J.B. 131)
J. Brahms - Vineta op. 42 no. 2 CPDL #22063
J. Brahms - Darthulas Grabesgesang op. 42 no. 3 CPDL #23590
J. Brahms - Und gehst du über den Kirchhof op. 44 no. 10 IMSLP #102759 (Breitkopf & Härtel, J.B. 124)
J. Brahms - Rinaldo op.50 IMSLP #28984 (Simrock 7533)
J. Brahms - Liebeslieder Walzer op.52 CPDL #1161
J. Brahms - Alto rhapsody op.53 Eroïca Music Publications, E455
J. Brahms - Schicksalslied op.54 CPDL #13583
J. Brahms - A song of destiny (English version of Schicksalslied op.54) Novello NOV070065
J. Brahms - Triumphlied op. 55 Vocal parts from IMSLP #240840 (Breitkopf & Härtel, J.B. 90), accompaniment from IMSLP #262224 (Schirmer 22898)
J. Brahms - Triumphlied op. 55 (version in English) IMSLP #262224 (Schirmer 22898)
J. Brahms - Rosmarin op. 62 no. 1 CPDL #00052
J. Brahms - Waldesnacht op. 62 no. 3 CPDL #00053
J. Brahms - Dein Herzlein mild op. 62 no. 4 CPDL #00054
J. Brahms - Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil op. 62 no. 7 CPDL #00055
J. Brahms - Choral pieces from "Neue Liebeslieder Walzer" op.65 CPDL #12726, 12727, 12728, 12729, 15955, 16219, 19200
J. Brahms - Nänie op.82 IMSLP #47259 (Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d)
J. Brahms - Gesang der Parzen op. 89 IMSLP #537723 (Simrock 8319)
J. Brahms - Vier Quartette op.92 Breitkopf & Härtel nr. 5520
J. Brahms - Tafellied op.93b IMSLP #105103 (Breitkopf & Härtel, J.B. 109)
J. Brahms - He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten op. 103 no. 1 CPDL #51201
J. Brahms - Horch, der Wind klagt in den Zweigen op. 103 no. 8 CPDL #73472
J. Brahms - Nachtwache I op. 104 no. 1 CPDL #00840
J. Brahms - Nachtwache II op. 104 no. 2 CPDL #00058
J. Brahms - Letztes Glück op. 104 no. 3 CPDL #00843
J. Brahms - Verlorene Jugend op. 104 no. 4 CPDL #00059
J. Brahms - Im Herbst op. 104 no. 5 CPDL #00517
Y. Braun (arr.) - Dror yikra (Copyright) Transcontinental Music Publications 991362D03 (Israeli Music Institute, IMI 6318)
A. Briceño (ad. A. Rojas) - Sueños de Navidad (Copyright) Score available on the Atril Coral website
D. Briggs - I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills (Copyright) Score available on the composer's website
B. Britten - Cantata misericordium (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes B. & H. 19173
B. Britten - A ceremony of carols (SATB version) (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, ISMN 9790060014116
B. Britten - A ceremony of carols (SSA version) (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, ISMN 9790060014109
B. Britten - Choral dances from "Gloriana" (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes B. & H. 17411
B. Britten - Festival Te Deum (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, H. 15656
B. Britten - Hymn to St. Cecilia (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, ISBN 978-1458423566
B. Britten - A Hymn to the Virgin (Copyright) Winthrop Rogers Edition OCTB-1856 (Boosey & Hawkes H. 14240)
B. Britten - Jubilate Deo in C (Copyright) Chester Music CH76560 - ISBN 978-1-84938-702-6
B. Britten - Rejoice in the Lamb (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, H.15567, ISMN M-060-01512-0
B. Britten - Saint Nicolas (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, B & H 16469
B. Britten - Te Deum in C (Copyright) Chester Music CH76582 - ISBN 978-1-84938-638-8
B. Britten - War requiem (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, B & H 18940
B. Britten - Welcome ode op. 95 (Copyright) Faber Music, ISBN 0-571-52526-1
F.X. Brixi - Missa brevis in C "Missa aulica" Carus-Verlag CV 27.052
F.X. Brixi - Missa brevis in D Musikverlag Dr. J. Butz BU 1772
A. Bruckner - Ave Maria CPDL #00067
A. Bruckner - Choralmesse (1844) Anton Böhm & Sohn Musikverlag 08656-02
A. Bruckner - Christus factus est WAB11 CPDL #20239
A. Bruckner - Ecce sacerdos CPDL #4714
A. Bruckner - Libera me IMSLP #597297 (Alain Brunet)
A. Bruckner - Locus iste CPDL #31309
A. Bruckner - Mass in E minor Edition Peters Nr. 10915
A. Bruckner - Missa solemnis WAB29 Carus-Verlag CV 27.901/03
A. Bruckner - Os justi CPDL #00075
A. Bruckner - Requiem in D minor Doblinger, D.14.593
A. Bruckner - Salvum fac populum IMSLP #428656 (Alexander Reuter)
A. Bruckner - Te Deum Edition Peters Nr. 3843
A. Bruckner - Tota pulchra es IMSLP #365533 (Edition Peters Nr. 4185, plate number 11400)
A. Bruckner - Vexilla regis CPDL #00078
A. Busnois - Kyrie from "Missa l'homme armé" IMSLP #65190 (Alsbach, from Van Ockeghem tot Sweelinck, Vol. 1)
A. Busnois - Noël, Noël, Noël Free edition by Hervé Lecomte
D. Buxtehude - Alles, was ihr tut BuxWV4 IMSLP #114148
D. Buxtehude - Alles, was ihr tut BuxWV4 (A = 415 Hz) IMSLP #114148
D. Buxtehude - Der Herr ist mit mir BuxWV15 Bärenreiter BA 3198
D. Buxtehude - Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr BuxWV41 IMSLP #207507 (M. Straeten)
D. Buxtehude - Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun BuxWV51 CPDL #19096
D. Buxtehude - In dulci jubilo BuxWV52 IMSLP #262559 (D. Shannon)
D. Buxtehude - Jesu meines Lebens Leben BuxWV62 Verlag Merseburger EM 959, ISMN 979-2007-1081-6
D. Buxtehude - Meine Seele, willtu ruhn BuxWV74 IMSLP #463196 (D. Yoder)
D. Buxtehude - Meine Seele, willtu ruhn BuxWV74 (A = 415 Hz) IMSLP #463196 (D. Yoder)
D. Buxtehude - Membra Jesu nostri patientis sanctissima BuxWV75 IMSLP #114153
D. Buxtehude - Missa brevis BuxWV114 IMSLP #109763 (Bärenreiter BA265)
D. Buxtehude (?) - Magnificat BuxWV Anh.1 CPDL #04882
W. Byrd - Aspice Domine quia facta est IMSLP #489425 (Allen Garvin)
W. Byrd - Ave Maria CPDL #11507
W. Byrd - Ave verum CPDL #08508
W. Byrd - Dies sanctificatus CPDL #03974
W. Byrd - Haec dies - Alleluia Pascha nostrum CPDL #04040
W. Byrd - I joy not in no earthly bliss CPDL #05283
W. Byrd - Laetentur coeli CPDL #05535
W. Byrd - Laudate pueri Dominum IMSLP #488694 (Allen Garvin)
W. Byrd - Look down, o Lord J. & W. Chester, J&WC 8872b
W. Byrd - Lullaby my sweet little baby IMSLP #209498 (David Fraser)
W. Byrd - Mass for five voices CPDL #59531
W. Byrd - Mass for four voices CPDL #32430
W. Byrd - Mass for three voices IMSLP #393622 (Daniel Van Gilst)
W. Byrd - Ne irascaris Domine CPDL #26920
W. Byrd - O magnum misterium CPDL #27644
W. Byrd - O quam gloriosum CPDL #04015
W. Byrd - Sing joyfully CPDL #07732
W. Byrd - Venite exsultemus Domino CPDL #55775
W. Byrd - Vigilate IMSLP #608991 (Allen Garvin)
W. Byrd - Ye sacred muses CPDL #44012
G. Caccini (V.F. Vavilov) - Ave Maria (SSA version) (Copyright) Alfred Music 43183
A. Caldara - Magnificat in C IMSLP #369800 (Daniel Van Gilst)
A. Campra - Messe de Requiem Carus-Verlag CV 21.004/03
A. Caplet - Messe a trois voix IMSLP #59392 (Durand & Cie., D. & F. 9922bis)
G. Carissimi - Dixit Dominus CPDL #40230
G. Carissimi - Jephte Ricordi, NR 131729
G. Carissimi - Magnificat Möseler Verlag, ISMN 979-0-2037-6084-9
G. Carissimi - O felix anima CPDL #32173
P. Carr - Prayer of Saint Francis (Copyright) Goodmusic Publishing Ltd., GM181
P. Carr - Seven last words from the cross (Copyright) Goodmusic Publishing Ltd., GM088
P. Carr - Stabat mater (Copyright) Goodmusic Publishing Ltd., GM200
P. Carrara, A. Ruggiero (arr. S. Barzan) - Canzone fra le guerre (Copyright) Edizioni Libera
A. Carter - Benedicite (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 0-19-335507-8
G.B. Casali - Missa IX in G IMSLP #131155 (Friedrich Pustet, F.P. 1199)
J.J. Cassanea de Mondonville - Selection from "In exitu Israel" Éditions des Abbesses, EDA 23/01
M. Casulana - Morir non può CPDL #54373
M. Casulana - Ahi possanza d’amor CPDL #46181
A. Catalani - Ad ora così tarda from "La Wally" IMSLP #39941 (Ricordi, 95257)
F. Caudana - Vergine madre Edizioni Musicali Carrara EC 2247
F. Cavalli - Ave maris stella CPDL #45654
J. Cererols - Serafín CPDL #01826
P. Certon - Ho le vilain From "10 chansons", IMSLP #63820 (Möseler, vol. 82)
B. Camphor, C. Cymbala, J. Graham, B. Knight - For my good (Copyright) PraiseCharts Publishing, Inc., 79775
M.A. Charpentier - Magnificat H.79 IMSLP #339976 (Édition Dominique Montel)
M.A. Charpentier - Messe de Minuit pour Noël Schott & Co Ltd ED12600
M.A. Charpentier - Le reniement de Saint Pierre CPDL #06863
M.A. Charpentier - O amor IMSLP #339984 (Édition Dominique Montel)
M.A. Charpentier - Salve puerule IMSLP #340798 (Édition Dominique Montel)
M.A. Charpentier - Te Deum CPDL #02990
L. Cherubini - Credo a 8 voci Carus Verlag CV 40.089
L. Cherubini - Krönungsmesse in G (Messe solennelle en sol) Carus Verlag CV 40.087/03
L. Cherubini - Requiem in C minor Edition Peters Nr. 52
L. Cherubini - Requiem in D minor Edition Peters Nr. 51
B. Chilcott - Canticles of Light (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 0-19-343288-9 978-0-19-343288-8
B. Chilcott (arr.) - Didn't it rain (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 0-19-343537-3, 978-0-19-343537-7
B. Chilcott - Five Passion hymns (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-340855-5
B. Chilcott - Gloria (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-340486-1
B. Chilcott - Jazz folk songs for choirs (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-335924-6
B. Chilcott - Jazz folk songs for choirs (version entirely in English) (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-335924-6
B. Chilcott - A little jazz Mass (SSA version) (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-343328-1
B. Chilcott - A little jazz Mass (SATB version) (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-335617-7
B. Chilcott - On Christmas Night (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 0-19-337560-5, 978-0-19-337560-4
B. Chilcott - Requiem (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-336696-1
B. Chilcott - The singing heart (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-343307-9
D. Cimarosa - Mass in F major IMSLP #170926 (Jolando Scarpa)
E. Clapton (arr. R. Emerson) - Tears in heaven (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL40326217
R. Clausen - Tonight eternity alone (Copyright) Shawnee Press, #MF3034
P. Clereau (arr. P.M. Liebergen) - Celebrate this day together (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL 08551183
L. Cohen - Hallelujah (SATB arr. by R. Emerson) (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL.8201762
L. Cohen - Hallelujah (SATB arr. by F. Regis Cunha) (Copyright) Flavio Regis Cunha, H0.590241-34102
M. Coleridge - Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Copyright) Score available on the composer's website
M. Coleridge - Requiem (Copyright) Score available on the composer's website
S. Coleridge-Taylor - Summer is gone Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-343650-3
D. Collins (arr.) - Domaredansen (Copyright) Earthsongs, S-198
J.B. Comes - Misa iste confessor A-R Editions, B095Y002
A. Copland - Have mercy on us, o Lord (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, M051481064, ISBN 9781458410382
A. Copland - Thou, o Jehovah, abideth for ever (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, M051481064, ISBN 9781458410382
R. Corp - Crux fidelis (Copyright) Stainer & Bell, ISMN 979-0-2202-2442-3
R. Corp - Missa San Marco (Copyright) Stainer & Bell, ISMN 979-0-2202-2207-8
R. Corp - Never weather-beaten sail (Copyright) Stainer & Bell, ISMN 979-0-2202-2423-2
R. Corp - Videte miraculum (Copyright) Please visit the composer's website
G. Costeley - O combien est heurex From Ars musica: Ein Musikwerk für Höhere Schulen, Band V, Möseler Verlag
C. Courtney - The time for turning (Copyright) Lorenz Publishing Company, 10/4135L
A. Crouch (arr. J. Schrader) - Soon and very soon (Copyright) Hope Publishing Company, GC952
S. Curry (arr.) - Down to the river to pray (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL 08743261
C. D'Aquine - Cantate de Noël Free edition by Hervé Lecomte
K. Darby (arr. H. Simeone) - 'Twas the night before Christmas (Copyright) Shawnee Press, #D0039
H. Darke - In the bleak mid-winter (Copyright) Stainer & Bell Ltd., 1911
H. Darke - Jubilate (Copyright) Stainer & Bell Ltd. ISMN M-2202-0515-6
W.L. Dawson (arr.) - Ev'ry time I feel the spirit (Copyright) Kjos Music Company, T117
W.L. Dawson - Soon ah will be done (Copyright) From "Dawson Spirituals vol.2 for mixed chorus", Neil A. Kjos Music Company, T201
J. De Araujo - Los coflades de la estleya CPDL #05925
A. Debousset - La nuit de Noël Edition available at the Partition Chœur website
P. De Cristo - O magnum mysterium CPDL #29137
H. De la Court - Judaea et Hierusalem nolite timere Musikhaus Doblinger, D.13623
M.R. De Lalande - Confitebor tibi Domine Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV070452
P. De la Rue - O salutaris hostia CPDL #07549
L. Delibes - Choeur et prière from "Lakmé" IMSLP #20429 (Heugel, H. 5683)
N. Dello Joio - A jubilant song (Copyright) Schirmer, Octavo no. 9580
J. De Mantua - O Jesu Christe CPDL #01888
L. De Marchi - Ave Maria (Copyright) Editions Labatiaz
C. De Rore - Mia benigna fortuna CPDL #52040
L. De Saint-Martin - Messe en Mi (Copyright) IMSLP #91753 (Procure Générale de Clergé - Musique Sacrée, P.G. 28 M.S.)
D. De Sévérac - Tantum ergo CPDL #03338
R.N. Dett - Ave Maria IMSLP #670938 (Schirmer HMC-333)
R.N. Dett - Listen to the lambs Oxford University Press - ISBN 0-19-386304-9, 978-0-19-386304-0
T.L. De Victoria (J. Gallus/Handl) - Ave Maria CPDL #03743
T.L. De Victoria - Dum complerentur J. & W. Chester Ltd, J.W.C. 8856
T.L. De Victoria - Dum ergo essent J. & W. Chester Ltd, J.W.C. 8857
T.L. De Victoria - Magi viderunt stellam CPDL #59751
T.L. De Victoria - Missa Dominicalis (likely misattributed) CPDL #03316
T.L. De Victoria - Missa Gaudeamus JOED Music Editions, JOED V45
T.L. De Victoria - Missa "O magnum mysterium" CPDL #8206
T.L. De Victoria - O magnum mysterium CPDL #58053
G. De Wert - Egressus Jesus CPDL #24052
G. De Wert - Vox in Rama CPDL #24054
A. Diabelli - Pastoral-Messe in F Carus Verlag CV 27.086/03
D.C. Dickau - The bridge builder (Copyright) Walton Music WJMS1169
D.C. Dickau - Called to rejoice (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1701
D.C. Dickau - High flight (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1636
D.C. Dickau - Stars I shall find (Copyright) Walton Music WJMS1048
A. Diestro - Alleluja (Copyright) Carus Verlag CV 7.340
S. Dobrogosz - Mass (Copyright) Sand Castle Music, SAND -MASS12-03-KA
E. Dohnanyi - Locus iste (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1064
S. Dole - Bless us, Lord, with your peace (Copyright) Score available on the composer's website
S. Dole - Songs of Isaiah (Copyright) Swirly Music, SDE-009
I. Donati - Alleluia, haec dies CPDL #07388
B. Donato - Chi la gagliarda CPDL #34286
V. Donella - Sanctus (Missa Tu es Petrus) (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
G. Donizetti - Messa di Requiem Bmg Ricordi Music Publishing 131956
G. Donizetti - Choirs from "Don Pasquale" G. Ricordi & C. 42051
G. Donizetti - Choirs from "L'elisir d'amore" G. Ricordi & C. 41688
G. Donizetti - Choirs from "Lucia di Lammermoor" (selection) IMSLP #409318 (G. Schirmer, 14047)
J. Dove - The passing of the year (Copyright) Edition Peters EP 7568
J. Dove - There was a child (Copyright) Edition Peters EP 71901b
J. Dowland - Come again sweet love CPDL #10735
J. Dowland - Come heavy sleep From "Madrigals and Partsongs", Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-343694-7
B.A. Drage (arr.) - En smuk aftensang (Copyright) Blåmann Musikkforlag, BMF-1015
T. Dubois - The seven last words of Christ IMSLP #26831 (Schirmer 14418, Kalmus n.d.)
R. Dubra - O crux ave (Copyright) Musica Baltica Ltd. MB 0385
R. Dubra - Prayer (Copyright) Musica Baltica, MB 1595
G. Dufay - Kyrie from "Missa l'homme armé" Edition by Alejandro Planchart available on the DIAMM website
G. Dufay - Lamentatio sanctae matris ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae IMSLP #202821 (Moriwaki Michio)
M. Dupré - Alma redemptoris mater (Copyright) Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia, 1958
F. Durante - Lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae – Lectio III CPDL #62100
F. Durante - Litanie a 4 voci Musikverlag Müller & Schade AG, M&S 1345/03
F. Durante - Litany of the Virgin in F minor La Boite à Chansons, collection Philippe Caillard, PC254
F. Durante (Pergolesi) - Magnificat CPDL #17974
F. Durante - Missa in C minor Carus Verlag CV 35.008
M. Duruflé - Quatre motets sur des thèmes grégoriens (Copyright) Editions Durand DF13901
M. Duruflé - Requiem (Copyright) Editions Durand D&F 13,373
A. Dvorák - Mass in D major op. 86 Novello NOV 072491
A. Dvorák - Stabat Mater Novello NOV 072503
A. Dvorák - Te Deum op.103 Edition Peters Nr. 8702
A. Dvorák - 6 moravskych dvojzpevu CPDL #29156
G. Dyson - Evening service in D (Copyright) IMSLP #364851 (Stainer & Bell)
G. Dyson - Hierusalem (Copyright) Novello & Company, Limited
P. Edwards - Small wonder the star (Copyright) Edition available at The Jubilate Group website
J. Ekedahl (Arr. M. Hallberg) - Fjaugen from "Volund" (Copyright) Wessmans Musikförlag, Nr. 9722
J. Elberdin - Izar ederrak (Copyright) Walton Music WJMS1148
E. Elgar - As torrents in summer CPDL #117
E. Elgar - The dream of Gerontius Novello Publishing Limited, NOV072530
E. Elgar - The fountain IMSLP #379297 (Novello, 1914)
E. Elgar - From the Bavarian highlands Stainer & Bell Ltd., ISMN 979 0 2202 0605 4
E. Elgar - Lux aeterna Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV290690
E. Elgar (arr. D. Hill) - Requiem aeternam (Copyright) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV292930
E. Elgar (arr. C. Phelps) - Sea pictures (Copyright) Orphean Press, ISMN 979-0-9002184-0-7, ISBN 978-1-908198-07-5
E. Elgar - The shower IMSLP #379296 (Novello, 1914)
E. Elgar - Te Deum op. 34 no. 1 CPDL #12692
B. Ellingboe - Be music, night (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-386869-5
B. Ellingboe - A song for Saint Cecilia (Copyright) Kjos Music Company, Ed. 9056
M. Emery - Missa brevis boreal (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1513
J. del Encina - Una sañosa porfía CPDL #00125
T. English (arr. J. Purifoy) - The beatitudes (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 08742215
E. Esenvalds - The earthly rose (Copyright) Musica Baltica, MB 1740
E. Esenvalds - Only in sleep (Copyright) Musica Baltica, MB 1265
E. Esenvalds - Stars (Copyright) Musica Baltica, MB 1264
S. Farber - Mothers' lament (Copyright) Roger Dean Publishing Company, 15/2596R
G. Fauré - Ave verum (SA version) IMSLP #26823 (J. Hamelle, J. 3789 H.)
G. Fauré - Ave verum (TBar version) IMSLP #26823 (J. Hamelle, J. 3789 H.)
G. Fauré - Cantique de Jean Racine CPDL #13637
G. Fauré - Ecce fidelis servus IMSLP #26821 (J. Hamelle, J. 3637 H.)
G. Fauré (arr. F. Branciard) - Jardin nocturne (Copyright) Sulasol S2271/88
G. Fauré - Les djinns CPDL #10971
G. Fauré (arr. D. Rouger) - Lydia (Copyright) Carus Verlag CV 9.242
G. Fauré - Madrigal IMSLP #27200 (J. Hamelle, J. 2158 H.)
G. Fauré - Maria, Mater gratiae CPDL #01160
G. Fauré - Messe basse Novello & Company Limited 20202
G. Fauré - Messe basse (SATB version) CPDL #00136
G. Fauré - Pavane op. 50 CPDL #27781
G. Fauré - Requiem op. 48 (Edition 1) G. Schirmer, Inc., HL50324670
G. Fauré - Requiem op. 48 (Edition 2) Bärenreiter BA 7513
G. Fauré - Requiem op. 48, version with a smaller orchestra Carus Verlag CV 27.311/02
G. Fauré - Le ruisseau IMSLP #27202 (J. Hamelle, J. 1741 H.)
G. Fauré (arr. H. Büsser) - Salve Regina (Copyright) Hamelle, HA09172
G. Fauré - Tantum ergo op. 55 IMSLP #26805 (J. Hamelle, J. 3638 H.)
G. Fauré, A. Messager - Messe des pêcheurs de Villerville Heugel S.A., HE 33 720
G. Fernandes - Eso rigor e repente CPDL #08650
G. Fernandes - Xicochi conetzintle CPDL #12474
G. Finzi - Magnificat (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, M-060-06441-8
G. Finzi - My spirit sang all day (Copyright) IMSLP #429125 (Boosey & Hawkes, Plate 5814)
J. Forbes L’Estrange - A present for the future (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780193566439
C. Forbes, T. Lauderdale (arr. S. Terlikowski) - Je ne veux pas travailler (Copyright) Edition available at
D. Forrest - Good night, dear heart (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC2220
D. Forrest - Requiem for the living (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMB265
D. Forrest - Shalom (Copyright) Beckenhorst Press, Inc., BP2242
D. Forrest - The sun never says (Copyright) The Music of Dan Forrest, DF1005
C. Frances-Hoad - So true a fool is love (Copyright) Cadenza Music, 2016
C. Franck - Messe in A op. 12 Carus Verlag CV 40.646/60
C. Franck - Panis angelicus (version 1) CPDL #00751
C. Franck - Panis angelicus (version 2) CPDL #09727
C. Franck - Panis angelicus (arr. by K. Downing) (Copyright) G. Schirmer, Octavo No. 9637
M. Franck - Ich bin so müd von Seufzen From "Threnodiae Davidicae: deutsche Busspsalmen in Chorsätzen zu sechs Stimmen". Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
K. Franklin - Brighter day (Copyright), MN0051799
R.J. Fryson - Glorious is the Name of Jesus (Copyright) Bob Jay Music Co., 1982
A. Gabrieli - Missa brevis in F CPDL #32753
G. Gabrieli - Angelus ad pastores ait CPDL #18054
G. Gabrieli - Deus, in nomine tuo CPDL #28598
G. Gabrieli - Gloria a 12 CPDL #01456
G. Gabrieli - Hodie Christus natus est CPDL #18063
G. Gabrieli - Plaudite, psallite, jubilate Deo omnis terra Performer's Edition, SKU O-00011
G. Gabrieli - Quand’io ero giovinetto IMSLP #318450 (Daniel Van Gilst, EN 2014-63)
B. Galuppi - Magnificat Edition Kunzelmann 10140
M. Garau - O magnum mysterium (Copyright) Éditions à coeur joie, A110805163
J. Gardner - Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780193531567
M.L.A. Garrett - My heart be brave (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780193560338
H.J. Gauntlett (arr. A.H. Mann) - Once in royal David's city CPDL #47575
C. Gesualdo - O vos omnes IMSLP #150988
F. Giardini - Viva tutte le vezzose CPDL #00709
O. Gibbons - Drop, drop slow tears CPDL #06076
O. Gibbons - The silver swan CPDL #43425
S. Gibbs (arr.) - Swing down, chariot (Copyright) Gentry Publications, JG2479
O. Gjeilo - Dark night of the soul (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, WW1463
O. Gjeilo - Dark & luminous night (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, WW1845A
O. Gjeilo - Northern lights (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, HL08501748
O. Gjeilo - Sunrise Mass (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, HL08501827
O. Gjeilo - The rose (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, WW1686
O. Gjeilo - Ubi caritas (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, WW1386
C.W. Gluck - De profundis CPDL #38529
G. Goffin, C. King (arr. D. Sharon, A. Raugh) - One fine day (Copyright), MN0152779
E. Goldfarb (arr. G. Aldema) - Shalom aleichem (Copyright) A vocal array: Israeli songs arranged for choir - Modan Publishing House
H. Goodall - Eternal Light: A Requiem (Copyright) Faber Music ISBN 0-571-53230-6
H.M. Gorecki - Miserere (Copyright) Chester Music CH61611
H.M. Gorecki - Totus tuus (Copyright) Boosey and Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd., OCTB6727
C. Gounod - Ainsi que la brise légère from "Faust" IMSLP #247602 (Bote & Bock, plate 9309)
C. Gounod - Ave verum CPDL #160
C. Gounod - Ave verum (SAB arrangement by F. Seguy) (Copyright) Editions Euro Choral SA 3067
C. Gounod - Bethlehem - The shepherd's nativity hymn IMSLP #191734 (The H. W. Gray Co., n.d.)
C. Gounod - Farandole et choeur from "Mireille" IMSLP #21545 (Choudens, A.C. 1005bis)
C. Gounod - Messe à deux voix égales ("À la congrégation") CPDL #34292
C. Gounod - Messe breve nr. 7 CPDL #20333
C. Gounod - Messe chorale CPDL #34948
C. Gounod - Messe solennelle de Sainte Cécile CPDL #12287
C. Gounod - Sanctus from "Deuxième Messe" CPDL #26656
C. Gounod - O Divine Redeemer CPDL #19373
C. Gounod - Pie Jesu (SAB arrangement by F. Seguy) (Copyright) Editions Euro Choral SA 3069
C. Gounod - Près du fleuve étranger Harmonia H.U. 3534
C. Gounod - Les sept paroles de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ sur la croix IMSLP #558246 (Alexander Reuter)
C. Gounod - Requiem in C Carus-Verlag CV 27.315/03
M.A. Grancini - Alma redemptoris mater From "Giardino spirituale de' varii fiori musicali Concertati a quatro voci Opera decima sesta (1655) Volume II antifone e mottetti", La bottega discantica, E.D.M. 032
M.A. Grancini - Ave Regina coelorum From "Giardino spirituale de' varii fiori musicali Concertati a quatro voci Opera decima sesta (1655) Volume II antifone e mottetti", La bottega discantica, E.D.M. 032
M.A. Grancini - Dixit Dominus From "Giardino spirituale de' varii Fiori musicali", vol. 1, La Bottega Discantica, E.D.M. 031
M.A. Grancini - Inviolata From "Giardino spirituale de' varii fiori musicali Concertati a quatro voci Opera decima sesta (1655) Volume II antifone e mottetti", La bottega discantica, E.D.M. 032
M.A. Grancini - Regina caeli From "Giardino spirituale de' varii fiori musicali Concertati a quatro voci Opera decima sesta (1655) Volume II antifone e mottetti", La bottega discantica, E.D.M. 032
M.A. Grancini - Salve Regina From "Giardino spirituale de' varii fiori musicali Concertati a quatro voci Opera decima sesta (1655) Volume II antifone e mottetti", La bottega discantica, E.D.M. 032
A. Grandi - Dixit Dominus Edizioni Cappella Mauriziana 01-ECM-95
A. Grandi - Domine ad adjuvandum Edizioni Carrara EC5026
A. Grandi - Magnificat a 10 Edizioni Carrara EC4868
C.H. Graun - Der Tod Jesu Carus-Verlag CV 10.379/03
C. Graupner - Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt Carus-Verlag CV 10.345
H. Greenfield, N. Sedaka (arr. R. Emerson) - Breaking up is hard to do (Copyright), MN0099079
J. Gregorio - Dona nobis pacem (Copyright) E.C. Schirmer Music Company, No. 6575
E. Gregson - Make a joyful noise (Copyright) Novello NOV290677
A. Gretchaninoff - Missa festiva (Copyright) Editions de la Schola Cantorum, SC4755
C. Grossi - Cantata ebraica in dialogo Israeli Music Publications, I.M.P. 701
F.X. Gruber (arr. C. Reinecke) - Stille Nacht/Silent night CPDL #01911, German text from IMSLP #235899 (André Van Ryckeghem)
C. Guastavino - Se equivocó la paloma (Copyright) Edition available at Orfeon Universitario de Malaga
Y. Gubanov - Videntes magi stellam (Copyright) Score available on the composer's website
F. Guerrero - Virgen sancta CPDL #32682
J. Gutierrez de Padilla - Exsultate iusti in Domino CPDL #10807
G. Haenni - Les sentiers valaisans (Copyright) Foetisch Frères S.A., F. 7730 F.
E. Hagenberg - Through love to light (Copyright) Elaine Hagenberg Music, EH1002
M. Haller - Tu es Petrus CPDL #21869
A. Hammerschmidt - Alleluja, freuet euch ihr Christen alle Carus-Verlag CV 1.308
K. Hampton - True light (Copyright) Earthsongs, S-182
J. Handl - Veni redemptor gentium Paraclete Press PPM00123
A. Harlap - The divine image (Copyright) Israel Music Institute, IMI 7223 V
W.H. Harris - Faire is the heaven (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC-666
J.A. Hasse - Laudate pueri (Dresden version) Carus-Verlag CV 40.970/03
H.L. Hassler - Cantate Domino (Edition 1) CPDL #00198
H.L. Hassler - Cantate Domino (Edition 2) Hal Leonard, HL 08596730
H.L. Hassler - Dixit Maria CPDL #46835
H.L. Hassler - Halleluja - Laudem dicite (SSATB version) CPDL #19032
H.L. Hassler - Halleluja - Laudem dicite (SSATTB version) CPDL #19033
H.L. Hassler - In dulci jubilo CPDL #52258
H.L. Hassler - Missa "Dixit Maria" CPDL #05811
H.L. Hassler - Missa Secunda CPDL #00195
E.R. Hawkins (arr. T. Chinn) - Oh, happy day (Copyright) Warner Bros Publications, CH9625
W. Hawkins - Changed (Copyright) Bud John Music
J. Haydn - Missa brevis in F major HOB.XXII:1 Bärenreiter BA 4644-90
J. Haydn - Missa brevis "Rorate coeli desuper" (Copyright) J. Haydn-Mozart Press H.M.P. 21
J. Haydn - Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo Bärenreiter BA 4653a, CPDL #10839 for the elongated version of "Gloria"
J. Haydn - Missa in angustiis (Nelson Mass) CPDL #7907
J. Haydn - Missa in tempore belli (Paukenmesse) Carus-Verlag CV 40.607/03
J. Haydn - Missa in honorem BVM HOB.XXII:4 (Grosse Orgelsolomesse) Carus-Verlag CV 40.603/03
J. Haydn - Missa cellensis HOB.XXII:5 Bärenreiter BA 4643a
J. Haydn - Missa cellensis HOB.XXII:8 (Mariazellermesse) Bärenreiter BA 4654a
J. Haydn - Theresienmesse HOB.XXII:12 Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV078474
J. Haydn - Missa in B "Schöpfungsmesse" HOB.XXII:13 Carus-Verlag CV 40.611/03
J. Haydn - Mass No. 14 in B flat "Harmonienmesse" HOB.XXII:14 CPDL #08711
J. Haydn - Missa Sancti Nicolai Carus-Verlag CV 40.605/03
J. Haydn - Salve regina HOB.XXIIIb:2 Doblinger D.11.389
J. Haydn - Stabat Mater Bärenreiter BA 4642-90
J. Haydn - The Creation (in English) (Edition 1) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV070158
J. Haydn - The Creation (in English) (Edition 2) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072485
J. Haydn - The Creation/Die Schöpfung (in German) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072485
J. Haydn - Te Deum (I) IMSLP #337022 (Doblinger 46003)
J. Haydn - Te Deum in C (II) CPDL #2026
J. Haydn - Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV072493
J. Haydn - Insanae et vanae curae CPDL #5016
M. Haydn - Requiem in C (Missa pro defuncto archiepiscopo Sigismundo) MH155 Carus-Verlag CV 50.321/03
M. Haydn - Caligaverunt oculi mei MH277,9 CPDL #22536
M. Haydn - Deutsches Hochamt MH560 Carus-Verlag CV 54.560/03
M. Haydn - Missa in honorem Sancti Dominici MH419 Carus-Verlag CV 91.008/03
M. Haydn - Missa Sti. Gotthardi MH530 CPDL #28718
M. Haydn - Missa Sti. Raphaelis MH87 CPDL #30429
M. Haydn - Miss sub titulo Sancti Leopoldi MH837 Carus-Verlag CV 54.837/03
M. Haydn - Christus factus est MH628,2 Carus-Verlag CV 03.113/10
M. Haydn - Responsoria ad Matutinum in Nativitate Domini MH639 Carus-Verlag CV 54.639/03
M. Hayes - Magnificat (Copyright) Roger Dean Publishing Company ISBN 978-0-89328-734-4
R. Hazon - Messa di Natale (Copyright) Edizioni Carrara 4256
J.D. Heinichen - Magnificat in A Carus-Verlag CV 40.951
C.L. Helm - O virtus sapientiae (Copyright) CPDL #55078
H. Helvey (arr.) - Lo, how a rose e'er blooming (Copyright) Beckenhorst Press, Inc., BP2048
F. Hensel (née Mendelssohn) - Lobgesang Furore Verlag, fue 5257, ISMN 979-0-50012-366-8
F. Hensel (née Mendelssohn) - Zum Fest der Heiligen Cäcilia Furore Verlag, fue 6090, ISMN M-50012-609-6
F.H. Himmel - Adorabunt nationes CPDL #10361
E.T.A. Hoffmann - Miserere Edition Breitkopf Nr. 6656
M. Hogan (arr.) - The battle of Jericho (Copyright) From "The Oxford book of Sprituals", Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780193863040
M. Hogan (arr.) - Elijah rock (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL 08705532
M. Hogan (arr.) - Music down in my soul (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL 08743468
G. Holst - Assemble, all ye maidens From "Seven part-songs - opus 44", Novello NOV200161
G. Holst - Hymn of the travellers from "Choral hymns from the Rig Veda" CPDL #59808
G. Holst - In the bleak midwinter CPDL #26708
J.H. Hopkins - We three kings of Orient are CPDL #47603
D. Howard - Mia Terra (Copyright) Contact the composer
H. Howells - Requiem (Copyright) Novello Publishing Limited, NOV290491
H. Huber - Lenz- und Liebeslieder Acanthus Music ACM 302
H. Hupfeld (arr. R. Robinson) - As time goes by (Copyright) Alfred Music CHM04006
M. Hyökki (arr.) - On suuri sun rantas' autius (Copyright) Sulasol S0293
G.F. Händel - Brockes-Passion HWV48 (excerpts) Carus-Verlag CV 55.048/03
G.F. Händel - Acis and Galatea HWV49 Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV070122
G.F. Händel - Selection from "Deborah" HWV51 IMSLP #39721 (Novello, Kalmus K 6871)
G.F. Händel - Athalia HWV52 IMSLP #333384 (Novello, Ewer & Co.)
G.F. Händel - Saul HWV53 Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV070145
G.F. Händel - Saul HWV53 (A = 415 Hz) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV070145
G.F. Händel - Israel in Egypt HWV54 CPDL #09586
G.F. Händel - L'Allegro, il Penseroso, ed il Moderato HWV55 Novello & Company Ltd., NOV162448
G.F. Händel - Messiah HWV56 (Edition 1 - see note) CPDL #6397, 6398, 6399, 6400, 6401
G.F. Händel - Messiah HWV56 (Edition 2 - see note) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV070137
G.F. Händel - Hallelujah from "Messiah" (see note) CPDL #4983
G.F. Händel - For unto us a child is born from "Messiah" (see note) CPDL #173
G.F. Händel - How beautiful are the feet of Him from "Messiah" (Dublin 1742 version) From Carus-Verlag, CV 55.056/03
G.F. Händel - Judas Maccabaeus HWV63 Novello & Company Ltd., NOV072486
G.F. Händel - Joshua HWV64 Edition Peters 32382
G.F. Händel - Glory to God from "Joshua" HWV64 CPDL #20638
G.F. Händel - The triumph of Time and Truth HWV71 IMSLP #333385 (Novello, Ewer and co.)
G.F. Händel - Birthday Ode for Queen Anne HWV74 CPDL #9620
G.F. Händel - Alexander's feast HWV75 Carus-Verlag CV 55.075/03
G.F. Händel - Ode for St. Cecilia's day HWV76 IMSLP #18836 (Breitkopf & Härtel, Ausgabe der Deutschen Händelgesellschaft)
G.F. Händel - Dixit Dominus HWV232 CPDL #01391
G.F. Händel - Laudate pueri Dominum HWV237 CPDL #01392
G.F. Händel - Nisi Dominus HWV238 CPDL #29609
G.F. Händel (arr. D. Cranmer) - In the Lord put I my trust - Chandos anthem no. 2 (SATB version) HWV247 (Copyright) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV060137
G.F. Händel - My song shall be alway - Chandos anthem no. 7 HWV252 King's music - Clifford Bartlett
G.F. Händel - O come, let us sing unto the Lord - Chandos anthem no. 8 HWV253 CPDL #09622
G.F. Händel - O praise the Lord with one consent - Chandos anthem no. 9 HWV254 CPDL #08760
G.F. Händel - Let God arise - Chandos anthem no. 11 HWV256A CPDL #09621
G.F. Händel - Zadok the priest HWV258 (Edition 1) CPDL #10522
G.F. Händel - Zadok the priest HWV258 (Edition 2) Novello Publishing Ltd. NOV 290217
G.F. Händel - Zadok the priest HWV258 (Edition 3) IMSLP #255157 (Novello and Co., n.d. )
G.F. Händel - Zadok the priest HWV258 (Edition 3 - A = 415 Hz) IMSLP #255157 (Novello and Co., n.d. )
G.F. Händel - Let thy hand be strengthened HWV259 CPDL #06880
G.F. Händel - The King shall rejoice HWV260 CPDL #06862
G.F. Händel - My heart is inditing HWV261 CPDL #06903
G.F. Händel - My heart is inditing HWV261 (A = 415 Hz) CPDL #06903
G.F. Händel - The ways of Zion do mourn (Funeral anthem for Queen Caroline) HWV264 CPDL #09591
G.F. Händel - Foundling Hospital Anthem HWV268 King's music KM1070s
G.F. Händel - "Utrecht" Te Deum HWV278 CPDL #09593
G.F. Händel - Jubilate Deo (O be joyful) HWV279 CPDL #09594
G.F. Händel - Dettingen Te Deum HWV283 Carus-Verlag CV 55.283/03
G.F. Händel - Dettinger Te Deum HWV283 (version in German by F. Mendelssohn) Carus-Verlag CV 55.283/55 (accompaniment from Carus-Verlag CV 55.283/03)
G.F. Händel (G. Böhm) - Passion nach dem Evangelisten Johannes IMSLP #555359 (Deutsche Händelgesellschaft, BA 4022)
F. Iannitti Piromallo - Alla luna (Copyright) From "Melos vol. 1", Edizioni Carrara EC4542
C. Ives - Crossing the bar (Copyright) Associated Music Publishers A-702
M. Jackson (arr. A. Beck) - Heal the world (Copyright) Mijac Music 32988
C. Janequin - Le chant des oyseaulx CPDL #01390
L. Janácek - Mša glagolskaja (Glagolitic Mass) (Copyright) Universal Edition UE30991
L. Jansson (arr. G. Eriksson) - To the mothers in Brazil (Salve Regina) (Copyright) Walton Music WW1384
K. Jenkins - The armed man: a Mass for peace (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, rev. 2011, ISMN 979-0-060-11545-5
K. Jenkins - Ave Maria (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, ISMN 979-0-060-12197-9
K. Jenkins - The bards of Wales (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, HL 19242
K. Jenkins - The peacemakers (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, HL 19260
K. Jenkins - Requiem (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, ISMN 979-0-060-11684-1
K. Jenkins - Sacred songs (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, ISMN 979-0-060-11545-5, 979-0-060-11952-1, 979-0-060-11684-1
K. Jenkins - Stabat Mater (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, rev. 2012, ISMN 979-0-060-11952-1
K. Jenkins - Symphonic adiemus (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd, ISMN 979-0-060-13432-6
N. Jommelli - Missa pro defunctis (Requiem) Carus-Verlag CV 27.321/03, CV 27.321/02
E. John - Can you feel the love tonight (arr. by C. Gerlitz) (Copyright) Helbling Verlag HCCS-5436
J. Jongen - Mass op. 130 (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-385248-8
M. Joncas (arr. M. Hayes) - On eagle's wings (Copyright) New Dawn Music/Jubilate Music Group, 16104
Josquin des Prez - Agnus Dei from "Missa sexti toni l'homme armé" Editio Musica Budapest Z. 6440
Josquin des Prez - Ave Maria a 4 (II) CPDL #25127
Josquin des Prez - Cueurs desolez IMSLP #416818 (Hawthorne Early Music - Allen Garvin)
Josquin des Prez - Mille regretz IMSLP #412208 (Hawthorne Early Music - Allen Garvin)
Josquin des Prez - Miserere CPDL #17389
Josquin des Prez - Missa de Beata Virgine IMSLP #48537 (Möseler Verlag, Das Chorwerk, Heft 42)
Josquin des Prez - Missa Pange lingua CPDL #52806
Josquin des Prez - Nymphes des bois CPDL #30486
Josquin des Prez - Tu solus qui facis mirabilia CPDL #12898
J. Joubert - The choir invisible (Copyright) Novello Publishing Limited, NOV070376
N.R. Kelly - The new moon (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1594
K. Kempter - Pastoralmesse CPDL #5854
R. Kidd - Wind-song (Copyright) Hendon Music Inc., OCTB6539
M. Kocsár - Fog (Copyright) Editio Musica, Budapest, Z. 12.294
M. Kocsár - Snatch (Copyright) Editio Musica, Budapest, Z. 12.294
M. Kocsár - Valley song (Copyright) Editio Musica, Budapest, Z. 12.294
Z. Kodály - Ave Maria (1935) (Copyright) Editio Musica Budapest 6835 ISMN 9790080068359
Z. Kodály - Budavári Te Deum (Copyright) IMSLP #508030 (Universal Edition, U.E. 10849)
Z. Kodály - Dancing-song (Copyright) Oxford University Press OU.9780193403499 ISBN 978-0-19-340349-9
Z. Kodály - In supremae nocte coenae from "Pange lingua" (Copyright) Universal Edition UE7941
Z. Kodály - Jesus und die Krämer (Copyright) Universal Edition UE30123
Z. Kodály - Missa brevis (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes 18172
Z. Kodály - Pourquoi, là-haut, lever mes yeux? (ad. M. Budry) (Copyright) Foetisch Frères Editeurs, No. 7685
Z. Kodály - Stabat Mater (Copyright) Editio Musica Budapest Z. 14 167
Z. Kodály (arr. I. Sulyok) - Stabat Mater (SATB version) (Copyright) Editio Musica Budapest Z. 14 167
Z. Kodály - Székely keserves (Copyright) Editio Musica Budapest 6725 ISMN M080067253
Z. Kodály - Túrót eszik a cigány (Copyright) Editio Musica Budapest 6725 ISMN M080067253
Z. Kodály - Veni, veni Emmanuel (Copyright) Sheet music available on Marco Voli's website
J. Kosma (arr. R. O'Connell) - Autumn leaves (Copyright) Shawnee Press HL 35028504
J.L. Krebs - Magnificat Hänssler-Verlag, HE 1.617
C. Kreek - Taaveti laul nr. 104 (Copyright) SP Muusikaprojekt 2306
C. Kreek - Õnnis on inimene (Copyright) SP Muusikaprojekt 2306
J. Kuhnau (arr. J.S. Bach) - Der Gerechte kömmt um CPDL #06684
T. Kverno - Ave maris stella (Copyright) Walton Music, WH186
S. LaBarr - Where the light begins (Copyright) Walton Music, WW1939
P. Ladmirault (arr.) - Lamentation de MacCrimon From Chansons écossaises: pour choeur a voix mixtes, Rouart & Lerolle RL 11574.8, accompaniment from Chansons écossaises, Rouart & Lerolle RL 11574
P. Ladmirault (arr.) - Marie Morison From Chansons écossaises: pour choeur a voix mixtes, Rouart & Lerolle RL 11574.5, accompaniment from Chansons écossaises, Rouart & Lerolle RL 11574
C. Lambert - The Rio Grande (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-337300-9
J. Langlais - Messe solennelle (Copyright) Editions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum S. 5076 P.
G. Larsen (arr.) - Gropen (Copyright) Musikk-Husets Forlag, M-H 3417
G. Larsen (arr. G. Larsen, G. Eriksson) - Polonese (Copyright) Musikk-Husets Forlag, M-H 3418
O. de Lassus - Alleluia: Pascha nostrum From Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke (Neue Reihe) vol. 23 - BA 4283
O. de Lassus - Come falda di neve IMSLP #609785 (Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke - Neue Reihe, vol. 20 - BA 4200)
O. de Lassus - Communio: Pascha nostrum From Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke (Neue Reihe) vol. 23 - BA 4283
O. de Lassus - Deus in nomine tuo CPDL #37050
O. de Lassus - Jubilate Deo Mercury Music Corp., 352-0080
O. de Lassus - La nuict froide et sombre CPDL #20917
O. de Lassus - Lamentationes Jeremiae prophetae, feria V in coena Domini CPDL #30521
O. de Lassus - Lectiones sacrae novem ex libris Hiob, lectio prima LV676 IMSLP #608578 (from Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke, Neue Reihe, vol.19 - BA 4199)
O. de Lassus - Lectiones sacrae novem ex libris Hiob, lectio tertia LV678 IMSLP #608582 (from Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke, Neue Reihe, vol.19 - BA 4199)
O. de Lassus - Lectiones sacrae novem ex libris Hiob, lectio quinta LV680 IMSLP #608633 (from Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke, Neue Reihe, vol.19 - BA 4199)
O. de Lassus - Magnificat primi toni (I) CPDL #28183
O. de Lassus - Matona mia cara CPDL #21232
O. de Lassus - Miserere mei Deus CPDL #30210
O. de Lassus - Missa octavi toni ("Missa venatorum") CPDL #02019
O. de Lassus - Missa paschalis Novello Publishing Limited, NOV032101
O. de Lassus - Mon coeur se recommande à vous (XIX century SATB harm.) CPDL #09706
O. de Lassus - Sicut rosa inter spinas (SA version) Free sheet music available on the Collegium Musicum Almae Matris website
O. de Lassus - Sicut rosa inter spinas (TB version) IMSLP #292611 (Hawthorne Early Music, 2013)
O. de Lassus - Victimae paschali laudes (Edition 1) From Bärenreiter - Sämtliche Werke (Neue Reihe) vol. 23 - BA 4283
O. de Lassus - Victimae paschali laudes (Edition 2) CPDL #020076
M. Lauridsen - Ave Maria (Copyright) Faber Music ISBN 0-571-52636-5
M. Lauridsen - Lux aeterna (Copyright) Faber Music ISBN 0-571-52154-1
M. Lauridsen - O magnum mysterium (Copyright) Peermusic Classical 61860-121
M. Lauridsen - Soneto de la noche (Copyright) Peermusic Classical 229070
M. Lauridsen - Sure on this shining night (Copyright) Peermusic Classical 62128-122
C. Le Fleming - Five Psalms (Copyright) J & W Chester CH09742
M. Leigh (arr. J. Leavitt) - The impossible dream (Copyright) Hal Leonard Corporation, HL 02501046
K. Leighton - Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child (Copyright) Novello Publishing Limited, NOV290251
M. Leite (arr.) - Três cantos nativos dos indios Kraó (Copyright) Earthsongs, S-68
I. Leonarda (arr. A. Hathaway) - Ave Regina caelorum CPDL #81354
R. Leoncavallo - Ben venga maggio from "I Medici" IMSLP #104671 (Sonzogno, E 833 S)
M. Leontovych - Carol of the bells Sheet music available on the Partitions Chorale website
M. Leontovych - Shchedryck Sheet music available on the Musescore website
B. Lewis - Agnus Dei (Copyright) Alfred Publishing Co. Inc., #23908
G. Liberto - Canto al Vangelo (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
N. Lindberg (arr.) - Kristallen den fina (Copyright) Warner/Chappell Music Scaninavia AB, ISMN M-66154-036-6
T. Linley - Let God arise Music 18 Ltd, ISMN 979-0-708137-04-7
F. Liszt - Ave Maria S.20II CPDL #6197
F. Liszt - Missa choralis S.10 CPDL #13510
F. Liszt - Salve regina S.66 CPDL #00794
F. Liszt - Via crucis CPDL #18852
W. Lloyd Webber - Missa Princeps Pacis (Copyright) Kevin Mayhew, Ltd. KM 1450065
A. Lotti - Credo in F Ancient Groove Music
A. Lotti - Crucifixus a 8 IMSLP #241303 (Schirmer 14344)
A. Lotti - Mass in C (ATB version) IMSLP #12616 (Anton Bohm, n.d.)
A. Lotti - Mass in C (SAB version in F) IMSLP #12616 (Anton Bohm, n.d.)
A. Lotti - Miserere mei CPDL #48546
A. Lotti - Missa brevis in D CPDL #05067
A. Lotti - Missa brevis in F (E flat) CPDL #03010
A. Lotti - Missa pro defunctis CPDL #36676, 67473
A. Lotti - Missa Sapientiae Ancient Groove Music
A. Lotti - Missa Vide Domine laborem meum Ancient Groove Music
A. Lotti - Requiem Ancient Groove Music
M. Lowry, B. Greene (arr. J. Schrader) - Mary, did you know? (Copyright) Hope Publishing Company, GC999
T. Lucas - Your sacrifice (Copyright) World Library Publications, 001210
M. Lysenko - Bozhe Welykyj jedynyj (prayer for Ukraine) CPDL #68206
R. Løvland (arr. J.M. Martin) - You raise me up (Copyright) Shawnee Press, HL.35028641
G. MacDermot (arr. R. Emerson) - Aquarius/Let the sunshine in (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 00295122
D. Macdonald - Ave maris stella (Copyright) Cypress Choral Music, CP 1550
T. Machuel - L’escargot (Copyright) From “Bestiaire de Noël”, Éditions Musicales du Tremble
T. Machuel - La puce (Copyright) From “Bestiaire de Noël”, Éditions Musicales du Tremble
T. Machuel - Le rossignol (Copyright) From “Bestiaire de Noël”, Éditions Musicales du Tremble
J. MacMillan - Pascha nostrum immolatus est (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, ISMN 9790060120251
G. Mahler - Symphony nr. 2 (Resurrection) CPDL #6495
G. Mahler - Symphony nr. 8 IMSLP #32652 (Universal Edition U.E. 2660)
M. Makaroff (arr. A.M. Kähärä) - Butterfly (Copyright) Sulasol, SULS971
A. Makor - O lux beata Trinitas (Copyright) Astrum Music Publications, AS 34.108/01
W.V. Malpede - Be in love (Copyright) John Rich Music Press, JR1141
H. Mancini (arr. S. Zegree) - Moon river (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL 08743469
M. Manganelli - Gloria (Missa Tu es Petrus) (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
B. Marcello - I cieli immensi narrano Sheet music available on the Musescore website
L. Marenzio - Laudate Dominum (a 8) The American Institute of Musicology, Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae (CMM) 72-3
L. Marenzio - Madonna, sua mercé, pur una sera CPDL #27859
L. Martens - Maintenant, Seigneur (Copyright) Éditions Emmanuel, N° 137
F. Martin - Mass for double choir (Copyright) Bärenreiter BA 5419
M. Martines - Dixit Dominus Furore Edition 529
G.B. Martini - O salutaris a 4 CPDL #45838
J. Martinson - Arise my love (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-385987-6
P. Mascagni - Choirs from "Cavalleria Rusticana" IMSLP #627540 (G. Schirmer 9773), IMSLP #36744 (Sonzogno E. 492 S.) for "Regina coeli"
P. Mascagni - Regina Coeli from "Cavalleria Rusticana" IMSLP #36744 (Sonzogno E. 492 S.)
P. Mascagni (arr. H. Simeone) - Anthem for spring (Copyright) Shawnee Press, A0478
P. Mascagni - Inno del sole from "Iris" IMSLP #152272 (Ricordi, 102181)
L. Mason - Joy to the world CPDL #50637
L. Mason, J.L. Stevens - Nearer, my God, to Thee (Copyright) BYU Music Publishing Group BYUDSM0616
J.H. Maunder - Olivet to Calvary Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV 070193
N. Maw - One foot in Eden still, I stand (Copyright) Faber Music Ltd., 057151406 5
C. Mawby - Alleluia (Copyright) OCP Publications 4595, 94075
C. Mawby - Ave verum (Copyright) Musikverlag Dr. J. Butz no. 1964
C. Mawby - Jubilate Deo (Copyright) Musikverlag Dr. J. Butz no. 1925
C. Mawby - Pastoralmesse in G (Copyright) Musikverlag Dr. J. Butz no. 1988
P. McCartney - Ecce cor meum (choral suite) (Copyright) Faber Music ISBN 978-0571530250
D. McCullough - Holocaust cantata (songs from the camps) (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMB-219
M. McDonald (arr.) - Calypso Gloria (Copyright) Hope Publishing Company, C6463
C. McDowall - A winter's night (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-340368-0
J. McHugh - I can’t give you anything but love (Copyright) Alfred Publishing Co. Inc., #4784
P. Mealor - Stabat mater (Copyright) Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV292853
P. Mealor - Wherever you are (SATB version) (Copyright) Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV292886
K. Memley - Ave Maria (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1354
K. Memley - Lux aeterna (Copyright) Contact the composer
K. Memley - O nata lux (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1421
K. Memley - Sing Cantate Domino (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1495
F. Mendelssohn - Aus tiefer Noth schrei' ich zu dir Op.23 No.1 IMSLP #28758 (Breitkopf & Härtel, M.B. 98)
F. Mendelssohn - Christe, du Lamm Gottes Carus-Verlag CV 40.184
F. Mendelssohn - Christus Carus-Verlag CV 40.169/03, CV 40.170/03
F. Mendelssohn (arr. D. Willcocks) - Hark! The herald-angels sing (Copyright) 100 Carols for Choirs, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-353227-4
F. Mendelssohn (arr. W.H. Cummings) - Hark, the herald angels sing/Gott sei Dank, durch alle Welt CPDL #14546 (in English), CPDL #30509 (in German)
F. Mendelssohn - Hear my prayer / Hör' mein Bitten Novello 29 0117 10 (English text), IMSLP #40163 (Breitkopf & Härtel M.B. 103, German text)
F. Mendelssohn - Jesu, meine Freude Carus-Verlag CV 40.188/01
F. Mendelssohn - St. Paul Op. 36 Carus-Verlag CV 40.129/03
F. Mendelssohn - Veni Domine Op. 39 Nr. 1 IMSLP #28820 (Breitkopf & Härtel, M.B. 99)
F. Mendelssohn - Laudate pueri Op. 39 Nr. 2 IMSLP #28820 (Breitkopf & Härtel, M.B. 99)
F. Mendelssohn - Surrexit pastor bonus Op. 39 Nr. 3 IMSLP #28820 (Breitkopf & Härtel, M.B. 99)
F. Mendelssohn - Psalm 42 Op. 42 IMSLP #149421 (Breitkopf & Härtel 8074)
F. Mendelssohn - Psalm 95 Op. 46 Carus-Verlag CV 40.073/03
F. Mendelssohn - Lobgesang (Symphony nr. 2 Op. 52) Edition Peters Nr. 1750
F. Mendelssohn - Hymn of praise (English version of "Lobgesang") IMSLP #65739, #91843, #91933 (Novello, Ewer & Co.)
F. Mendelssohn - Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren Op.69 Nr.1 IMSLP #365763 (Edition Peters No.1770b)
F. Mendelssohn - Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt Op.69 Nr.2 Carus-Verlag CV 40.126/20
F. Mendelssohn - Mein Herz erhebet Gott, den Herrn (Magnificat) Op.69 Nr.3 IMSLP #365765 (Edition Peters No.1770b)
F. Mendelssohn - Lauda Sion Op. 73 IMSLP #264425 (Breitkopf & Härtel 8271)
F. Mendelssohn - Psalm 43 Op. 78 Nr. 2 CPDL #35364
F. Mendelssohn - Sechs Sprüche Op. 79 CPDL #35362, 35361, 35360, 35359, 35358, 35357
F. Mendelssohn - Drei geistliche Lieder Op. 96 Carus-Verlag CV 40.166/03
F. Mendelssohn - Lasst sein heilig Lob uns singen (hymne Op. 96 Nr. 4) Carus-Verlag CV 40.166/04
F. Mendelssohn - Elijah G. Schirmer, Inc., HL50323790
F. Mendelssohn - Elijah (version in German) Bärenreiter BA 9070a
F. Mendelssohn - Jauchzet dem Herrn (Psalm 100) CPDL #00260
F. Mendelssohn - Magnificat in D Carus-Verlag CV 40.484/03
F. Mendelssohn - Te Deum WoO29 (Edition 1) CPDL #24957
F. Mendelssohn - Te Deum WoO29 (Edition 2) Carus-Verlag CV 40.167
F. Mendelssohn - Te Deum a 8 MWVB15 Carus-Verlag CV 40.137
F. Mendelssohn - Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich Carus-Verlag CV 40.481/03
F. Mendelssohn - Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten Carus-Verlag CV 40.132
W. Menschick (arr.) - Missa de Angelis Jubilate Verlag, RM301
F. Mercury (arr. M. Brymer) - Bohemian Rhapsody (Copyright) Hal Leonard, SheetMusicDirect #409853
S. Milliken - Missa piccola (Copyright) Peters Edition Limited, EP7911
V. Miškinis - Cantate Domino (Copyright) Carus-Verlag CV 7.324
W. Monk (arr. M. Hogan) - Abide with me (Copyright) Hal Leonard 08703227
C. Monteverdi - Altri canti di Marte (first part) Madrigali guerrieri e amorosi, Libro Ottavo, Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi, ISBN 8978-88-86288-54-5
C. Monteverdi - Altri canti di Marte (alternative edition - complete) CPDL #27844
C. Monteverdi - Altri canti d'Amor, tenero arciero CPDL #29864
C. Monteverdi - Angelus ad pastores ait CPDL #23438
C. Monteverdi - Ave Maria CPDL #06199
C. Monteverdi - Beatus vir SV268 Score available at the Mutopia Project
C. Monteverdi - Cantate Domino IMSLP #350057 (Ulrich Alpers)
C. Monteverdi - Chi vol che m'innamori CPDL #20231
C. Monteverdi - Confitebor secondo CPDL #21779
C. Monteverdi - Così sol d'una chiara fonte (second part of "Hor che'l ciel e la terra") IMSLP #56116 (Universal Edition, UE 15799)
C. Monteverdi - Così sol d'una chiara fonte (second part of "Hor che'l ciel e la terra" - alternative edition) CPDL #25448
C. Monteverdi - De la bellezza le dovute lodi Scherzi musicali a tre voci, Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi, ISBN 978-88-86288-27-9
C. Monteverdi - Deus tuorum militum (II) CPDL #22541
C. Monteverdi - Ecco mormorar l'onde CPDL #00943
C. Monteverdi - Gloria a 7 voci CPDL #09692
C. Monteverdi - Hor che'l ciel e la terra (first part) CPDL #06498
C. Monteverdi - Lamento d'Arianna Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC-1850
C. Monteverdi - Lauda Jerusalem Ensemble Vocale Octovox
C. Monteverdi - Magnificat primo (edition 1) CPDL #18261
C. Monteverdi - Magnificat primo (edition 2) Carus-Verlag CV 40.437
C. Monteverdi - Magnificat secondo CPDL #22542
C. Monteverdi - Messa a quattro voci da cappella Carus-Verlag CV 1.542/05
C. Monteverdi - O beatae viae, o felices gressus CPDL #36662
C. Monteverdi - O ciechi, ciechi, il tanto affaticar CPDL #20233
C. Monteverdi - O mio bene CPDL #30824
C. Monteverdi - Oime il bel viso CPDL #26203
C. Monteverdi - Choral excerpts from "L'Orfeo" L'Orfeo, favola pastorale in un prologo e cinque atti di Alessandro Striggio figlio, Società Anonima Editrice I Classici Musicali Italiani
C. Monteverdi - Qual si può dir maggiore CPDL #04807
C. Monteverdi - Quam pulchra es CPDL #19515
C. Monteverdi - Raggi dov'è'l mio bene CPDL #04810
C. Monteverdi - Salve Regina terzo CPDL #22545
C. Monteverdi - Sancta Maria succurre miseris IMSLP #375111 (Universal Edition, U.E. 9611B)
C. Monteverdi - S'andasse Amor a caccia CPDL #31769
C. Monteverdi - Si ch'io vorrei morire CPDL #00829
C. Monteverdi - Son questi i crespi crini Score available at
C. Monteverdi - Seguita il ballo from "Tirsi e Clori" Concerto. Settimo Libro dei Madrigali, Fondazione Claudio Monteverdi, ISBN 978-88-86288-33-0
C. Monteverdi - Venite, venite sitientes IMSLP #375114 (Universal Edition, U.E. 9611B)
C. Monteverdi - Vespers of 1610 Novello & Co. Ltd. NOV070211
C. Monteverdi - Voi ch’ascoltate CPDL #20241
C. Monteverdi - Vorrei baciarti CPDL #32438
C. Monteverdi - Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti IMSLP #131740 (Les Éditions Outremontaises)
T. Morley - April is in my mistress' face CPDL #47708
T. Morley - It was a lover and his lass CPDL #28281
T. Morley - Now is the month of Maying CPDL #10747
W.A. Mozart - God is our refuge KV20 IMSLP #421997 (Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, Bärenreiter BA 4557)
W.A. Mozart - Kyrie in F KV33 CPDL #10001
W.A. Mozart - Scande coeli limina KV34 CPDL #10000
W.A. Mozart - Grabmusik KV42 IMSLP #422022 (Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, Bärenreiter BA 4507)
W.A. Mozart - Cibavit eos KV44 IMSLP #80981 (Breitkopf & Härtel, W.A.M. 44)
W.A. Mozart - Veni Sancte Spiritus KV47 CPDL #15967
W.A. Mozart - Missa Brevis KV49 CPDL #14665
W.A. Mozart - Missa Brevis KV65 Breitkopf & Härtel 6703
W.A. Mozart - Missa in C "Dominicus-Messe" KV66 CPDL #14797, 14798, 14799, 14800, 14801, 14802
W.A. Mozart - Inter natos mulierum KV72 CPDL #10931
W.A. Mozart - Miserere KV85 IMSLP #422096 (Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, Bärenreiter BA 4533), accompaniment from CPDL #37612
W.A. Mozart - Regina coeli KV108 CPDL #19894
W.A. Mozart - Litaniae Lauretanae B.M.V. KV109 CPDL #06209
W.A. Mozart - Benedictus sit Deus KV117 Bärenreiter BA 4884a
W.A. Mozart - Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento KV125 IMSLP #183687 (Novello, 1877)
W.A. Mozart - Regina coeli KV127 CPDL #14662
W.A. Mozart - Missa solemnis in C minor "Waisenhausmesse" KV139 CPDL #14669, 14670, 14671, 14672, 14673, 14674
W.A. Mozart - Missa brevis in G KV140 Breitkopf & Härtel 8505
W.A. Mozart - Te Deum KV141 Neue Mozart Ausgabe (NMA)
W.A. Mozart - Tantum ergo KV142 CPDL #06054
W.A. Mozart - Missa in C "Trinitatis-Messe" KV167 Bärenreiter BA 4783a
W.A. Mozart - Missa Brevis KV192 CPDL #7699
W.A. Mozart - Dixit et Magnificat KV193 Carus-Verlag CV 40.052/03
W.A. Mozart - Missa Brevis KV194 CPDL #7416
W.A. Mozart - Litaniae Lauretanae B.M.V. KV195 Carus-Verlag CV 40.056/03
W.A. Mozart - Tantum ergo KV197 CPDL #06128
W.A. Mozart - Missa brevis in C "Spatzenmesse" KV220 Ernst Eulenburg E.E. 6116
W.A. Mozart - Missa brevis in C "Spatzenmesse" KV220 (SMezAA arr. By H. Breuer) (Copyright) Bärenreiter BA 5693-90
W.A. Mozart - Misericordias Domini KV222 Carus-Verlag C.V. 40.040
W.A. Mozart - Litaniae de venerabili altaris Sacramento KV243 Carus-Verlag CV 40.057/03
W.A. Mozart - Missa in C "Credo Messe" KV257 CPDL #14729, 14730, 14731
W.A. Mozart - Spaur-Messe (or Piccolomini-Messe) KV258 Bärenreiter BA 4851a
W.A. Mozart - Missa in C "Orgelsolomesse" KV259 Carus-Verlag C.V. 40.628/03
W.A. Mozart - Venite populi KV260 CPDL #13326
W.A. Mozart - Missa Longa in C KV262 Bärenreiter BA 4853a
W.A. Mozart - Sancta Maria, Mater Dei KV273 Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV290555
W.A. Mozart - Missa brevis KV275 CPDL #7369
W.A. Mozart - Regina coeli KV276 (Edition 1) CPDL #286
W.A. Mozart - Regina coeli KV276 (Edition 2) IMSLP #423913 (Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, Bärenreiter-Verlag BA 4533)
W.A. Mozart - Alma Dei creatoris mater KV277 Bärenreiter BA 4889A
W.A. Mozart - Coronation Mass (Krönungs-Messe) KV317 Carus-Verlag CV 40.618/03, Bärenreiter BA 4880a
W.A. Mozart - Vesperae de Dominica KV321 CPDL #41649, 41677, 41834, 41897, 41912
W.A. Mozart - Missa solemnis in C KV337 Carus-Verlag CV 40.619/03
W.A. Mozart - Vesperae Solennes de Confessore KV339 CPDL #13443, 14813, 14814, 809, 735, 15676
W.A. Mozart - Kyrie in D minor KV341 CPDL #14660
W.A. Mozart - V'amo di core KV348 CPDL #07481
W.A. Mozart - Selection from "Idomeneo" KV366 (version in German) IMSLP #630119 (Edition Peters, No. 1127)
W.A. Mozart (compl. P. Legge) - Great Mass in C KV427 (Copyright) CPDL #6158
W.A. Mozart (compl. H. Eder) - Great Mass in C KV427 (Copyright) Bärenreiter BA 4846-90
W.A. Mozart (compl. H.C. Robbins Landon) - Great Mass in C KV427 (Copyright) Peters 4856, Kunzelmann GM-1900, Eulenburg 6057a
W.A. Mozart (compl. R.D. Levin) - Missa in C KV427 (Copyright) Carus-Verlag CV 51.427/03
W.A. Mozart (compl. U. Leisinger) - Missa in C minor KV427 (Copyright) Bärenreiter BA 9188-90
W.A. Mozart - 6 nocturnes (Edition 1) CPDL #15156, 15161, 15162, 15163, 15164, 10883, accompaniment from the Neue Mozart Ausgabe (NMA)
W.A. Mozart - 6 nocturnes (Edition 2) Edition Peters no. 4522
W.A. Mozart - Die Maurerfreude KV471 IMSLP #425546 (Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, Bärenreiter-Verlag BA 4507)
W.A. Mozart - Zerfliesset heut', geliebte Brüder KV483 IMSLP #63700 (Breitkopf & Härtel W.A.M. 483)
W.A. Mozart - Ihr unsre neuen Leiter KV484 IMSLP #63702 (Breitkopf & Härtel W.A.M. 484)
W.A. Mozart - Choirs from "Le nozze di Figaro" KV492 IMSLP #864234 (Boosey & Co., B. & H. 15960)
W.A. Mozart - Ave verum KV618 CPDL #11784
W.A. Mozart - Choirs from "Die Zauberflöte" (The magic flute) KV620 Bärenreiter BA 4553-90
W.A. Mozart - Laut verkünde unsre Freude KV623 IMSLP #425548 (Neue Mozart-Ausgabe, Bärenreiter-Verlag BA 4507)
W.A. Mozart - Requiem KV626 (Edition 1) Edition Peters no. 76
W.A. Mozart - Requiem KV626 (Edition 2) Bärenreiter BA 4538a
W.A. Mozart - Requiem KV626 (Edition 3) Novello & Company Ltd., NOV070529
W.A. Mozart - Requiem KV626 completed by D. Druce (Copyright) Novello & Company Ltd., NOV070529
W.A. Mozart - Requiem KV626 completed by R. Levin (Copyright) Carus-Verlag CV 51.626/53
W.A. Mozart - Lacrimosa/Amen from Requiem KV626 by R. Maunder (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-337619-9, 978-0-19-337617-5
W.A. Mozart (W. Müller) - Gloria from 12th Mass Ditson 74007-180
W.A. Mozart - Herr und Gott CPDL #11162
W.A. Mozart (arr. J.S. Kreuzpointer) - Missa brevissima (Copyright) Carus-Verlag CV 51.801/03
J.R. Murray - Away in a manger Sheet music available on the website
J.G. Naumann - Missa in D (1794) Carus-Verlag CV 40.672/03
M. Ndlovu - Ngothando (Copyright) Walton Music WW1724
R. Nelson - God, bring thy sword (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, Oct.5661
O. Nicolai - Messe in D Carus-Verlag CV 27.036/03
O. Nicolai - O süßer Mond from "Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor" IMSLP #22518 (C.F. Peters 7774 )
J. Nitsch - Jesus zu dir (Copyright) SCM Hänssler W10034803
J. Noyon (arr.) - Il est né, le divin enfant (Copyright) Editions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum SC4777
J.M. Nunes Garcia - Requiem (1816) Carus-Verlag CV 23.008/03
J. Ockeghem - Kyrie from "Missa l'homme armé" IMSLP #65190 (Alsbach, from Van Ockeghem tot Sweelinck, Vol. 1)
K. Oelbrandt - Reconciliation Magnificat (Copyright) Donemus Publishing B.V., D18333
J. Offenbach - Selection from "Les contes d'Hoffmann" Schirmer ED. 2639
J. Offenbach - Barcarolle from "Les contes d'Hoffmann" IMSLP #91329 (J.B. Cramer, 1907)
J. Offenbach - Choirs from "La vie parisienne" Éditions Salabert, SLB 2636, ISMN 979-0-048-00379-8
R. Ogura (arr.) - Hotaru koi (Copyright) Theodore Presser Co., 312-41520
D. Ombrie - Dieu est amour (Copyright) Sheet music available on the Paroisses de Croix Daurade et de Saint André website
G. Orban - Daemon irrepit callidus (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC-1537
C. Orff - Carmina Burana (Copyright) Schott Music GmbH ED 2877
J. Pachelbel - Magnificat in D (Edition 1) CPDL #41787
J. Pachelbel - Magnificat in D (Edition 2) IMSLP #439390 (Rémy Claverie)
J. Pachelbel - Magnificat in D (Edition 2) (A = 415 Hz) IMSLP #439390 (Rémy Claverie)
J. Pachelbel - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied Carus-Verlag CV 1.008
C.T. Pachelbel - Magnificat Edition Peters Nr. 6087
K.T. Padworski - The cloud (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1612
G.P. da Palestrina - Alma redemptoris mater Sheet music available on Marco Voli's website
G.P. da Palestrina - Ave Maria II CPDL #48558
G.P. da Palestrina - Canite tuba CPDL #47312
G.P. da Palestrina - Domine quando veneris CPDL #2070, 2071
G.P. da Palestrina - Ego sum panis vivus IMSLP #296601 (Ensemble vocal Philippe Caillard, No. P.C. 107)
G.P. da Palestrina - Exultate Deo CPDL #48726
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa "Aeterna Christi munera" Chester Music Limited, CH 08784
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa Brevis CPDL #12160
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa "Descendit Angelus Domini" Paraclete Press PPM09401
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa "Iste confessor" CPDL #00319
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa "Regina coeli" Breitkopf & Härtel Chor-Bibliothek 3148
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa "Tu es Petrus" (a 6) Breitkopf & Härtel Chor-Bibliothek 3070
G.P. da Palestrina - Missa "Ut re mi fa sol la" CPDL #43826
G.P. da Palestrina - Sicut cervus CPDL #06263
G.P. da Palestrina - Sitivit anima mea IMSLP #325353
G.P. da Palestrina - Super flumina Babylonis CPDL #06264
G.P. da Palestrina - Tu es Petrus (a 5) CPDL #03492
M. Palmeri - Misa a Buenos Aires - Misatango (Copyright) Tonos Musikverlags GmbH, ISMN M-2015-7377-9
R. Panufnik - Westminster Mass (Copyright) Edition Peters No. 71959
C.H.H. Parry - Blest pair of Sirens CPDL #16464, several corrections applied according to IMSLP #107412
C.H.H. Parry (arr. C.S. Lang) - Blest pair of Sirens (4-part version) (Copyright) Novello & Company, Limited, 16645
C.H.H. Parry - The chivalry of the sea IMSLP #27527 (Novello & Co., 14392)
C.H.H. Parry - I was glad CPDL #29033
C.H.H. Parry - My soul, there is a country CPDL #20716
C.H.H. Parry - Ode to music IMSLP #180558, 225383 (Novello & Co., plate 11230)
D. Parton (arr. C.H. Johnson) - Light of a clear blue morning (Copyright) Hal Leonard 08750799
M. Pasquier (arr.) - Compliainte (Copyright) Edition Foetisch, E.F. 8771
P. Passereau - Il est bel et bon CPDL #24775
P. Patterson - O be joyful (Copyright) Josef Weinberger Ltd., M570054749
S. Paulus (ad.) - The road home (Copyright) Paulus publications
K. Pederson - Can we sing the darkness to light? (Copyright) Walton Music, WW1736
G.B. Pergolesi - Confitebor tibi Domine Bmg Ricordi Music Publishing 131723
G.B. Pergolesi - Domine ad adjuvandum me festina G. Ricordi & C. 131713
G.B. Pergolesi - Kyrie eleison from "Missa romana" Edition Kunzelmann GmbH, GM 172
G.B. Pergolesi (arr. G. Mason) - Miserere mei (Copyright) Walton Music W6011, HL08501204
G.B. Pergolesi - O sacrum convivium CPDL #22979
G.B. Pergolesi - Stabat Mater (Edition 1) Werner Icking Music Archive, edition by Sergio Godínez
G.B. Pergolesi - Stabat Mater (Edition 2) IMSLP #11261 (Breitkopf & Härtel, V.A. 60)
G.B. Pergolesi - Stabat Mater (SATB arr. by D. Ratcliffe) (Copyright) Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV072474
L. Perosi - Magnificat (Copyright) IMSLP #46795 (Bertarelli, Melodie Sacre, anno IV)
L. Perosi - Missa "Benedicamus Domino" (Copyright) CPDL #21963
L. Perosi - Missa eucharistica (Copyright) IMSLP #279150 (Ricordi 103456)
L. Perosi - Missa in honorem Beati Gregorii Barbadici (Copyright) Armelin Musica, ECV 001
L. Perosi - Missa pontificalis (Copyright) IMSLP #461688 (Ricordi, 102378)
L. Perosi - Missa secunda pontificalis (Copyright) IMSLP #32015 (G. Ricordi & C. 111228)
L. Perosi - O salutaris (SA or TB version) (Copyright) IMSLP #46791 (Bertarelli)
L. Perosi - The passion of Christ according to St. Mark (Copyright) IMSLP #163829 (Ricordi Music Publishing 101642)
L. Perosi - La risurrezione di Cristo (Copyright) IMSLP #126498 (BMG Ricordi Music Publishing 102440)
L. Perosi - Tu es Petrus (Copyright) CPDL #02926
A.R. Petker - The circle (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1743
A.R. Petker - A song of Joys (Copyright) Pavane Publishing
J. Phillips, M. Phillips (arr. R. Emerson) - California dreamin' (Copyright), MN0137793
J. Pierpont (arr. D. King) - Jingle bells CPDL #20578
L. Pigarelli (arr.) - La pastora (Copyright) Edition available on the Coristi liberi website
L. Pigarelli (arr.) - La smortina (Copyright) Edition available on the Coristi liberi website
M. Pirenne - Domine Deus salutis meae (Copyright) Willem Bergmans, Tilburg, Holland
G.O. Pitoni - Cantate Domino CPDL #41780
G.O. Pitoni - Missa in Nativitate Domini nostri Jesu Christi CPDL #29484, 28487, 28490, 28491, 28492
F. Poulenc - C'est la petit' fill' du prince (Copyright) IMSLP #309961 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 12 321)
F. Poulenc - Clic, clac, dansez sabots (Copyright) Editions Salabert, R. L. 12320
F. Poulenc - En retrant de l'école (Copyright) Editions Salabert, R. L. 11969
F. Poulenc - Gloria (Corrections) (Copyright) Éditions Salabert E.A.S. 16613t ISMN 979-0-048-00166-4
F. Poulenc - Hodie Christus natus est (Copyright) IMSLP #309969 (Editions Salabert, R. L. 12528)
F. Poulenc - La belle si nous étions (Copyright) IMSLP #309962 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., R.L. 12322)
F. Poulenc - La belle se siet au pied de la tour (Copyright) IMSLP #309555 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 12 318)
F. Poulenc - Le chien perdu (Copyright) Editions Salabert, R. L. 11969
F. Poulenc - Le hérisson (Copyright) Editions Salabert, R. L. 11969
F. Poulenc - Le petit garçon malade (Copyright) Editions Salabert, R. L. 11969
F. Poulenc - Les tisserands (Copyright) IMSLP #309964 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 12 324)
F. Poulenc - Litanies à la Vierge Noire (Copyright) Éditions Durand 50561219
F. Poulenc - Margoton va t'a l'iau (Copyright) IMSLP #309958 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 12 317)
F. Poulenc - O magnum mysterium (Copyright) IMSLP #309966 (Editions Salabert, R. L. 12525)
F. Poulenc - Pilons l'orge (Copyright) IMSLP #309959 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., 12 319)
F. Poulenc - Quem vidistis pastores dicite (Copyright) IMSLP #309967 (Editions Salabert, R. L. 12526)
F. Poulenc - Stabat mater (Copyright) IMSLP #314657 (Rouart, Lerolle & Cie., Plate 12443)
F. Poulenc - Timor et tremor (Copyright) IMSLP #309028 (Editions Salabert, R. L. 12023)
F. Poulenc - Videntes stellam (Copyright) IMSLP #309968 (Editions Salabert, R. L. 12527)
F. Poulenc - Vinea mea electa (Copyright) IMSLP #309028 (Editions Salabert, R. L. 12023)
J. Praetorius - Forti animo esto A-R Editions, B073Y008
J. Praetorius - Indica mihi A-R Editions, B073Y010
J. Praetorius - Quam pulchra es A-R Editions, B073Y001
J. Praetorius - Surge propera A-R Editions, B073Y005
J. Praetorius - Veni in hortum meum A-R Editions, B073Y003
M. Praetorius - Conditor alme siderum CPDL #23989
M. Praetorius - En natus est Emmanuel CPDL #00343
M. Praetorius - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen CPDL #18369
M. Praetorius - In dulci jubilo CPDL #20896
M. Praetorius - In dulci jubilo a 8 CPDL #01449
M. Praetorius - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland a 6 CPDL #27861
M. Praetorius - Resonet in laudibus a 5 CPDL #33413
S. Prokofiev - Alexandre Nevsky (Copyright) Le chant du monde éditions musicales VO975 (pronunciation revised according to Musica Russica CP-AN)
G. Puccini - Choirs from "La Bohéme" IMSLP #21947 (G. Ricordi & C., Plate 99000)
G. Puccini - Messa di Gloria IMSLP #150992 (BMG Ricordi Music Publishing 132187)
G. Puccini - Choirs from "Suor Angelica" (Copyright) IMSLP #524326 (G. Ricordi & C., 117711)
G. Puccini - Requiem CPDL #19769
H. Purcell - Allelujah CPDL #08745
H. Purcell - Behold, I bring you glad tidings Carus-Verlag 40.154
H. Purcell - Cantate Domino from "Morning and evening service in B flat" Edition Peters 67746
H. Purcell - Come ye sons of art (Birthday ode for Queen Mary) Z323 Faber Music ISBN 0-571-51557-6
H. Purcell - Dido and Aeneas IMSLP #36466 (Novello, Ewer & Co., Plate 8015)
H. Purcell - Dioclesian Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV070456
H. Purcell - Choirs from "The fairy queen" IMSLP #154934 (Novello and Company, Plate 14056)
H. Purcell - Choirs from "The fairy queen" (A = 415 Hz) IMSLP #154934 (Novello and Company, Plate 14056)
H. Purcell - Funeral music for Queen Mary CPDL #33409, 33410, 33411
H. Purcell - Hail bright Cecilia (I) from "Ode for St. Cecilia's day" (1692) CPDL #44028
H. Purcell - Jubilate in B flat major CPDL #35571
H. Purcell - Magnificat in G minor Z231-1 CPDL #20893
H. Purcell - Nunc dimittis in G minor Z231-2 CPDL #20895
H. Purcell - Soul of the world from "Ode for St. Cecilia's day" (1692) Alliance Music Publications, Inc. AMP-0713
H. Purcell - Thou tuned’st this world from "Ode for St. Cecilia's day" (1692) CPDL #44028
H. Purcell - Hail bright Cecilia (II) from "Ode for St. Cecilia's day" (1692) CPDL #44028
H. Purcell - I will give thanks unto Thee CPDL #08743
H. Purcell - King Arthur Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV070418
H. Purcell - Lord, have mercy upon us CPDL #08744
H. Purcell - Ode for St. Cecilia’s day, 1692 CPDL #44028
H. Purcell - O God, thou art my God CPDL #41762
H. Purcell - O Lord, God of hosts From "The Restoration Anthem Volume 1 1660-1689", Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-395379-6
H. Purcell - Welcome to all the pleasures CPDL #26166
A. Pärt - Berliner Messe (Copyright) Universal Edition UE 36064 (rev. 2002, corr. I/2013)
A. Pärt - Cecilia vergine romana (Copyright) Universal Edition UE31720 (rev. 2002)
A. Pärt - Da pacem Domine (Copyright) Universal Edition UE32941
A. Pärt - Magnificat (Copyright) Universal Edition UE19350
A. Pärt - Salve Regina (Copyright) Universal Edition UE31987 (corr. II/2005)
A. Pärt - Te Deum (Copyright) Universal Edition UE34184
A. Pärt - Which was the son of... (Copyright) Universal Edition UE31507
S. Quartel - The birds’ lullaby (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780193543690
S. Quartel - Voice on the wind (Copyright) Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780193525870
J. Quick (arr.) - Loch Lomond (Copyright) Cypress Publishing C3.CP1045
S. Rachmaninoff - All-night vigil op. 37 (Vespers) Musica Russica, Ra-ANV, ISBN 0-9629460-6-0
S. Rachmaninoff - All-night vigil op. 37 (version in English) IMSLP #30429 (H.W. Gray Co., 1920)
S. Rachmaninoff - The Angel op. 15 no. 6 Musica Russica Ra6ch-6
S. Rachmaninoff - Ave Maria (Copyright) Edward B. Marks Music Company, Hal Leonard HL00007477
S. Rachmaninoff - Bogoroditse Devo from "All-night vigil" op. 37 CPDL #10932
R. Radecke - Aus der Jugendzeit IMSLP #468308 (Verlag Music House Binzer)
A.R. Rahman (arr. E. Sperry) - Balleilakka (Copyright) Earthsongs, S-339
J.P. Rameau - In convertendo Carus-Verlag CV 21.008
J.P. Rameau - Traversez les plus vaste mers from "Les Indes galantes" IMSLP #114475 (Durand, D. & F. 6616)
J.P. Rameau - Tremblement de terre from "Les Indes galantes" IMSLP #114475 (Durand, D. & F. 6616)
I. Raminsh - Magnificat (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, LCB218
A. Ramirez - Misa criolla (Copyright) Carisch, MF 548, 9788872078235
A. Ramirez - Navidad nuestra (Copyright) Navidad nuestra, Alfred Music Publishing, Lawson-Gould LG51586
A. Ramirez - La peregrinacion (Copyright) From Navidad nuestra, Alfred Music Publishing, Lawson-Gould LG51586
A. Ramsey - Luminescence (Copyright) Walton Music WW1510
E. Rautavaara - Missa a cappella (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, 19266
M. Ravel - Daphnis et Chloé - Suite No. 2 Editions Durand D&F 7984
M. Ravel (arr. P.M. Liebergen) - Pavane for a silent night (Copyright) Alfred Publishing Co. Inc., #24291
D. Raye, H. Prince - Boogie woogie bugle boy (Copyright) MCA Music Publishing, ISBN 0-7579-0448-3
L. Refice - Ego dilecto meo (Copyright) IMSLP #163289 (Van Rossum, year 1931)
L. Refice - Missa Deus refugium nostrum et virtus (Copyright) Edizioni musicali C. Casimiri, C. 132 C.
M. Reger (transcr. O. Dipiazza) - Ninna nanna di Maria (Mariae Wiegenlied op.76) (Copyright) From "La cartellina", Suvini Zerboni, n. 58
M. Reger - O Tod, wie bitter bist Du Carus-Verlag CV 50.407/30
M. Reger - Psalm 100 IMSLP #06192 (C.F. Peters, 9439)
M.H. Reid (arr.) - Even me (Copyright) GIA Publications, Inc., G-7347
I. Reimann - Pastoralmesse in C - Christkindlsmesse CPDL #09465
A. Rejcha - Te Deum Carus-Verlag CV 40.907/03
O. Respighi - Lauda per la Natività del Signore Carus-Verlag CV 10.084/03
C.J. Reynolds - Three trees (Copyright) Score and recording available on the Singsatb website
J.G. Rheinberger - Abendlied op. 69 no. 3 CPDL #00380
J.G. Rheinberger - Hymne "Dein sind die Himmel" op. 69 no. 2 IMSLP #477468 (Simrock, 7303)
J.G. Rheinberger - Mass in C op. 169 IMSLP #300662 (Kalmus K 06414)
J.G. Rheinberger - Missa Misericordias Domini op. 192 CPDL #25236
J.G. Rheinberger - Passionsgesang op. 46 CPDL #34520
J.G. Rheinberger - Requiem op. 60 Carus-Verlag CV 50.060/03
J.G. Rheinberger - Requiem op. 84 Carus-Verlag CV 50.084
J.G. Rheinberger - Salve Regina op. 107 no. 4 CPDL #43897
J.G. Rheinberger - Stabat mater op. 138 CPDL #38910
Q. Rische (arr.) - Wieder blühet die Linde (Copyright) IRIS Musikverlag, no. 837.23
R. Rodgers (arr. R. Emerson) - Blue moon (Copyright) Hal Leonard HL 00204803
S. Rossi - Adon Olam CPDL #15917
S. Rossi - Psalm 58 From "Cantiques de Salomon Rossi" - Naumbourg, 1877
S. Rossi - Psalm 112 (version 1) The American Institute of Musicology, Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae (CMM) 100-13b
S. Rossi - Psalm 112 (version 2) From "Cantiques de Salomon Rossi" - Naumbourg, 1877
G. Rossini - Ave Maria CPDL #07875
G. Rossini - Brindisi From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Il candore in fuga From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Il Carnevale di Venezia (edition 1) IMSLP #29359 (Niksa Lendic)
G. Rossini - Il Carnevale di Venezia (edition 2) From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Coro di ninfe From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Dal tuo stellato soglio from "Mosè in Egitto" IMSLP #153344 (Ricordi 44109)
G. Rossini - Dall’oriente l’astro del giorno From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Le départ des promis From "Edizione critica delle opere di Gioachino Rossini", Sez. 7, Péchés de vieillesse, Vol. 2, Album français - morceaux réservés, Fondazione Rossini
G. Rossini - L'Espérance From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - I gondolieri IMSLP #45500
G. Rossini - La notte del Santo Natale From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - La passeggiata Carus-Verlag CV 40.281/20
G. Rossini - Petite Messe Solennelle CPDL #14687, 14688, 14689, 14690
G. Rossini - Quartetto pastorale From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Quelques mesures de chant funèbre From "Rossini - Choral and Ensemble Music", Carus Verlag CV 70.090
G. Rossini - Salve o vergine Maria CPDL #03173
G. Rossini - Stabat Mater CPDL #12540, 12544, 12547, 12549
G. Rossini - Tantum ergo CPDL #38057
G. Rossini - Toast pour le nouvel an CPDL #08781
G. Rossini - Tutto cangia from "Guglielmo Tell" Ricordi, 40041-080
J. Runestad - Alleluia (Copyright) JR Music, JR0035
J. Runestad - Flower into kindness (Copyright) JR Music, JR0066-2
J. Runestad - Let my love be heard (Copyright) Score available on the composer's website
J. Runestad - Nyon nyon (Copyright) JR Music, JR0007
J. Runestad - Wild forces (Copyright) JR Music, JR0053-2
J. Rutter - All bells in paradise (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-339565-7
J. Rutter - All things bright and beautiful (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-340734-3
J. Rutter - 10 carols for mixed voices (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-353381-3
J. Rutter (arr.) - Deep river (Copyright) From "Feel the Spirit", Collegium Music Publications, CCS 231
J. Rutter - Eternal God (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC1731
J. Rutter - Feel the Spirit (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-341624-6
J. Rutter - For the beauty of the earth (Copyright) Oxford University Press978-0-19-340572-1
J. Rutter - Gloria (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338062-2
J. Rutter - Gott sei stets in mir/God be in my head (Copyright) From "God be in my head -Geistliche Chorwerke für gemischten Chor mit und ohne Klavier/Orgel", Bärenreiter BA 7546
J. Rutter (arr.) - Here we come a-wassailing (Copyright) From "Carols for Choirs 2", Oxford University Press 978-0-19-353565-7
J. Rutter - It was a lover and his lass (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338029-5
J. Rutter - Magnificat (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338037-0
J. Rutter - Mass of the children (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338094-3
J. Rutter - My true love hath my heart (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338029-5
J. Rutter - The peace of God (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-351143-9
J. Rutter (arr.) - Personent hodie (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-343230-7
J. Rutter - Praise ye the Lord (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-387094-9
J. Rutter - Psalmfest (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338040-0
J. Rutter - Requiem (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-338070-7
J. Rutter (arr.) - The twelve days of Christmas (Copyright) Oxford University Press 978-0-19-385730-8
J. Rutter - The very best time of the year (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC902
J. Rutter - The wild wood carol (Copyright) Hinshaw Music Inc., HMC998
C. Saint-Saëns - Ave verum CPDL #48280
C. Saint-Saëns - Calme des nuits IMSLP #44756 (Durand, D.&F. 3101)
C. Saint-Saëns - Christmas Oratorio op. 12 Bärenreiter BA 7514
C. Saint-Saëns - Messe de Requiem op. 54 CPDL #11889, 11890, 11891, 11892, 11893, 11894, 11895, 11896
C. Saint-Saëns - Quam dilecta IMSLP #40910 (Durand, D.&F. 9477)
C. Saint-Saëns - Samson et Dalila IMSLP #20831, 20832, 20833 (Durand, D.&F. 5583)
L. Saladin - Canticum Hebraicum Israeli Music Publications Limited, L.M.P. 702
A. Salieri - Mass nr. 1 "Hofkapellmeister-Messe" CPDL #6936
A. Salieri - Requiem in C minor IMSLP #139205 (Peters 8311)
A. Salieri - Salve Regina Musikverkag Alfred Coppenrath COP 10.008-01
P. Sandrin - Doulce memoire CPDL #28663
A. Scarlatti - Adorna thalamum Broude Brothers Limited, MGC4
A. Scarlatti - Dixit Dominus Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV072312
A. Scarlatti - Exultate Deo Edizioni Curci EC 10597
A. Scarlatti - Salve Regina (a 4) Edizioni Pian & Forte, P&F 0095
D. Scarlatti - Magnificat Edizioni Suvini Zerboni S 9606 Z
S. Scheidt - Joseph, lieber Joseph mein (from "Magnificat" SSWV299) CPDL #22449
S. Scheidt - Psallite (from "Magnificat" SSWV299) CPDL #22449
S. Scheidt - Surrexit Christus hodie CPDL #11649, 19338
J.H. Schein - Maria Magdalena IMSLP #233131 (Ulrich Alpers)
J.H. Schein - Quem pastores laudavere CPDL #57421
J.H. Schein - Unser Leben währet siebnzig Jahr IMSLP #398528 (Bärenreiter-Verlag, BA 4491)
J.I. Schnabel - Transeamus usque Bethlehem CPDL #33179
F. Schubert - Mass in F Major D105 CPDL #20133
F. Schubert - Mass nr. 2 in G Major D167 Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV070258
F. Schubert - Stabat Mater D175 Faber Music, Ltd. 0571510000
F. Schubert - Mass nr. 3 in B flat D324 CPDL #20014
F. Schubert - An die Sonne D439 Edition Philippe Caillard PC207
F. Schubert - Stabat mater D383 Edition Breitkopf 3342
F. Schubert - Salve Regina D386 CPDL #704
F. Schubert - Mass nr. 4 in C Major D452 CPDL #10351
F. Schubert - Mass nr. 5 in A Flat D678 CPDL #19865, 19866, 19867, 19868, 19869, 19870
F. Schubert - Psalm 23 D706 (Edition 1) IMSLP #16609 (Kalmus 1066)
F. Schubert - Psalm 23 D706 (Edition 2) Cwmni Cyhoeddi Gwynn 2059
F. Schubert - Gesang der Geister über den Wassern D714 (4th version) Eroïca Music Publications, E0051
F. Schubert - Jägerchor from "Rosamunde" D797 Edition Breitkopf 5661
F. Schubert - Shepherds' chorus from "Rosamunde" D797 IMSLP #31646 (Peters 8045)
F. Schubert - Der Gondelfahrer D809 IMSLP #16624 (Breitkopf & Härtel)
F. Schubert - Der Tanz D826 CPDL #00684
F. Schubert - Deutsche Messe D872 (Edition 1) G. Schirmer, Inc. ED. 2435, ISBN 0-7935-4860-8
F. Schubert - Deutsche Messe D872 (Edition 2) IMSLP #25051 (Breitkopf & Härtel F.S. 157)
F. Schubert - Ständchen D921 IMSLP #16621 (Breitkopf & Härtel)
F. Schubert (arr. J.P. Holstein) - Ständchen (Sérénade) (Copyright) Edition Philippe Caillard PC208
F. Schubert - Mirjam's Siegesgesang D942 Breitkopf & Härtel 1051
F. Schubert - Mass nr. 6 in E flat Major D950 CPDL #12181, 12182, 12183, 12184,12185, 12186
F. Schubert - Psalm 92 D953 IMSLP #73621 (Breitkopf & Härtel, F.S. 259)
F. Schubert - Tantum ergo D962 Peters Nr. 2510
B. Schulé - Intercession (Copyright) Éditions Cantate Domino, C.D. 1130
R. Schumann - Jägerlied Stretta Music, STR 4791
R. Schumann - Der Schmied CPDL #11063
R. Schumann - Der traurige Jäger CPDL #01483
R. Schumann - Missa sacra in C minor op. 147 Edition Breitkopf 8460
R. Schumann - Requiem op. 148 Edition Breitkopf 6757
R. Schumann - Tamburinschlägerin op.69 no.1 IMSLP #279507 (Breitkopf & Härtel, R.S. 102)
R. Schumann - Verzweifle nicht in Schmerzenstal op. 93 Schott Music GmbH ED 9982
R. Schumann - Waldmädchen op.69 no.2 IMSLP #279507 (Breitkopf & Härtel, R.S. 102)
R. Schumann - Zigeunerleben CPDL #35998
H. Schütz - Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt SWV380 CPDL #28094
H. Schütz - Aus der Tiefe ruf ich, Herr SWV25 CPDL #35317
H. Schütz - Die mit Tränen säen SWV378 Carus-Verlag CV 20.378
H. Schütz - Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi SWV435 IMSLP #47013 (Bärenreiter, BA 1709)
H. Schütz - Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt (Psalm 100) SWV36 CPDL #49757
H. Schütz - Johannespassion SWV481 CPDL #17749
H. Schütz - Meine Seele erhebt den Herren - Deutsches Magnificat SWV494 CPDL #03094
H. Schütz - Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied SWV35 CPDL #09682
M. Shaiman (arr. - ad. R. Emerson) - Hail holy queen (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL40326227
C. Shaw - Selection from "To the hands" (Copyright) Caroline Shaw editions
K. Shaw (arr.) - A gospel Christmas (Copyright) Kirby Shaw Music
K. Shaw - Last train runnin’ (Copyright) Kirby Shaw Music, 00158133
K. Shaw - O magnum mysterium (Copyright) Kirby Shaw Music
N. Shemer (arr. G. Aldema) - Jerusalem of gold (Copyright) Transcontinental Music Publications 991359D (Culture & Education Enterpises, No. 380)
N. Shemer (arr. G. Aldema) - Perot Chamisha Asar (Sheleg al Iri) (Copyright) Transcontinental Music Publications 991362D09
A. Sheremetev - Nine sili nemesniya (Now the powers of heaven) Musica Russica, Sr001
M. Sherwin (arr. G. Puerling) - A nightingale sang in Berkeley square (Copyright) Musicnotes, MN0163430
P. Simon (arr. K. Shaw) - Bridge over troubled water (Copyright) Shawnee Press, A1906
V. Singh - Johnny said, "no!" (Copyright) Heritage Music Press 15/2032H
M. Sirett - Ce beau printemps (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., ISBN 979-0-051-47876-7
U. Sisask - Eesti Missa (Copyright) Edition 49, e49 02055-10
R. Smallwood (arr. C. Cymbala) - Total praise (Copyright) Zomba Songs, 1996
B. Smetana (arr. X. Mathe) - La Moldau (Eau vive) (Copyright) Editions Euro Choral, CL 2069
U. Smith Moore (arr.) - I believe this is Jesus (Copyright) Augsburg Choral Library, ISBN 978-0-8006-4528-1
A. Snyder (arr.) - Fum fum fantasy (Copyright) Hal Leonard/J.W. Pepper 10310165E
H. Sommerro (arr.) - Med Jesus vil eg fara (Copyright) Norsk Musikforlag, NO12385
F. Spagnoli Rusca - Confitebor tibi Domine From "Ad vesperas. Salmi concertati a più voci", Rugginenti, ISBN 978-8876654992
L. Spevacek - Joyfully sing (Copyright) Jenson Publications/Hal Leonard, HL43725022
J. Stainer - The Crucifixion Novello Publishing Ltd., NOV072488
C.V. Stanford - Beati quorum via op. 38 no. 3 CPDL #45290
C.V. Stanford - Coelos ascendit hodie op. 38 no. 2 CPDL #45287
C.V. Stanford - Justorum animae op. 38 no. 1 CPDL #45285
C.V. Stanford - Mass via victrix op. 173 IMSLP #89381 (Boosey & Co., H.9895)
C.V. Stanford - The resurrection Oliver Ditson Company, 5-55-67522-24
C.V. Stanford - Te Deum in B flat CPDL #27582
C.V. Stanford - Te Deum op. 66 Boosey & Hawkes, ISMN M-060-11158-7
K. Steven - Dawn and dusk (Copyright) Pavane Publishing, P1661
P.W.J. Stopford - Do not be afraid (Copyright) Birnamwood Publications, MSM-50-9818
I. Stravinsky - Canticum sacrum (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, ISMN 979-0-060-02621-8
I. Stravinsky - Pater noster (Copyright) IMSLP #755403 (Boosey and Hawkes, B. & H. 16974)
I. Stravinsky - Symphony of psalms (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, B. & H. 16371
S. Strohbach - Eichendorff-Serenade (Copyright) IMSLP #344521
J. Styne (arr. E. Lojeski) - Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! (Copyright) Hal Leonard, HL08720117
B. Susanto - Janger (Copyright) Earthsongs S-207
J.P. Sweelinck - L’aubespin From "Opera omnia: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" - Vol. VII, The secular vocal works and miscellanea, Fasc. 1
J.P. Sweelinck - Euge serve bone From "Opera omnia: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" - Cantiones sacrae, Volume 6
J.P. Sweelinck - Pseaume 90 From "Opera omnia: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" - Livre second des pseaumes de David
J.P. Sweelinck - Qual vive salamandra From "Opera omnia: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" - Vol. VII, The secular vocal works and miscellanea, Fasc. 2
J.P. Sweelinck - Vanitas vanitatum (I) From "Opera omnia: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" - Vol. VII, The secular vocal works and miscellanea, Fasc. 2
J.P. Sweelinck - Viri galilaei From "Opera omnia: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck" - Cantiones sacrae, Volume 6
S. Söderberg (arr.) - Limu limu lima (SATB version) (Copyright) Bo Ejeby Förlag E-1280
S. Söderberg (arr.) - Limu limu lima (TTBB version) (Copyright) Bo Ejeby Förlag E-1279
T. Tallis - If ye love me (TTBB version) CPDL #23753
T. Tallis - If ye love me (SATB version) CPDL #24956
T. Tallis - O nata lux CPDL #00806
J. Tavener - God is with us (Copyright) Chester Music Limited, CH 55901
J. Tavener - The lamb (Copyright) Chester Music Limited, CH 7115901
J. Tavener - Song for Athene (Copyright) Chester Music Limited, CH 60991
J. Tavener - Thunder entered her (Copyright) Chester Music Limited, CH 59584
P.I. Tchaikovsky - The cherubic hymn (version in English) CPDL #02954
P.I. Tchaikovsky - Dostoino est CPDL #05279
G.P. Telemann - Das ist je gewißlich wahr TWV1:183 (BWV141) Edition Breitkopf 7141
G.P. Telemann - Selection from “Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu” TVWV 6:6 Bärenreiter BA 5851-02
G.P. Telemann - Du aber, Daniel, gehe hin TVWV4:17 Carus-Verlag CV 39.139/03
G.P. Telemann - Laudate Jehovam omnes gentes TWV7:25 CPDL #35291
G.P. Telemann - Machet die Tore weit TWV1:1074 CPDL #04877
G.P. Telemann - Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn TWV9:18 Carus-Verlag CV 39.122
E.H. Thiman - Go, lovely rose (Copyright) Novello & Co. Ltd. NOV160107
R. Thompson - Alleluia (Copyright) Schirmer No. 1786
F. Ticheli - Earth song (Copyright) Hinshaw Music, HPC7098
C. Tin (arr. R. Emerson) - Baba yetu (Copyright) Hal Leonard, 00346158
M. Tippett - Five spirituals from A child of our time (Copyright) Schott Music Ltd, ED 10585
W. Todd - Ave Verum Corpus (Copyright) Boosey & Hawkes, 201245P
W. Todd - Mass in blue (Copyright) Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0-19-340050-4
T. Tomkins - Too much I once lamented CPDL #19285
C. Torche - À toi mon père (Copyright) Editions Gesseney, G. 272 G.
V. Tormis - Kanarbik (Copyright) From "Sügismaastikud", Fennica Gehrman
V. Tormis - On hilissuvi (Copyright) From "Sügismaastikud", Fennica Gehrman
V. Tormis - Pärismalaase lauluke (Copyright) Hal Leonard, 48016288
V. Tormis - Sööge langud! (Copyright) From "Seitseteist eesti pulmalaulu", Fennica Gehrman
A. Tucapsky - Missa de angelis (Copyright) Roberton Publications, 3098
A. Tucapsky - The Sacrifice (Copyright) Theodore Presser Company Nr. 492000250
H. Tudor - Pastime with good company IMSLP #284506 (Hawthorne Early Music, 2013)
H. Tudor - Pastime with good company (SATB version) CPDL #01185
F.I.A. Tuma - Stabat mater IMSLP #734294 (Edition Esser-Skala, 2021)
P. Uusberg - Muusika (Copyright) Talmar & Põhi, ISMN 979-0-9013454-9-2
P. Uusberg - Õthu ilu (Copyright) Estonian Music Information Centre, PU 004
P. Uusberg - Õthul (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, HL00156199
D. Vails (arr. B.A. Thompson) - The storm is passing over (Copyright) GIA Publications, Inc., D-7316
J.B. Vanhal - Missa pastoralis Artaria Editions Limited, AE310
P. Vasks - Dona nobis pacem (Copyright) Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, ED 9239
P. Vasks - The fruit of silence (Copyright) Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, C 55851
J. Vasquez - Con que la lavare Edition available on Eduardo Sohns' website
J. Vasquez - De los alamos vengo, madre CPDL #00422
R. Vaughan Williams - The first Nowell (concert version) (Copyright) Oxford University Press ISBN-10 0193389517
R. Vaughan Williams - Five mystical songs (Copyright) IMSLP #31943 (Galaxy Music Corporation 1.5038.1)
R. Vaughan Williams - A Sea Symphony (Copyright) Stainer & Bell Ltd. ISMN M-2202-1747-0
R. Vaughan Williams - Benedicite (Copyright) IMSLP #129149 (Oxford University Press, 1930)
R. Vaughan Williams - O clap your hands (Copyright) IMSLP #392203 (Stainer & Bell, Ltd., 2222)
R. Vaughan Williams - Dona nobis pacem (Copyright) IMSLP #135150 (Oxford University Press, n.d.)
R. Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on Christmas carols (Copyright) IMSLP #27643 (Stainer & Bell, 1912)
R. Vaughan Williams - Lord, Thou hast been our refuge (Copyright) Curwen & Sons, Ltd., JC80592
R. Vaughan Williams - Mass in G minor (Copyright) Faber Music Ltd, ISBN 978-0571511921
R. Vaughan Williams - Serenade to Music (Copyright) IMSLP #129155 (Oxford University Press, 1938)
R. Vaughan Williams - Toward the unknown region (Copyright) Stainer & Bell Ltd., ISMN 979 0 2202 1766 1
M. Verbytsky (arr. M. Skoryk, Y. Stankovych) - Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy (Ukrainian national anthem) CPDL #68322
P. Verdelot - Se lieta e grata morte CPDL #24800
G. Verdi - Finale primo from "Attila" IMSLP #33965 (Ricordi 53700)
G. Verdi - Ave Maria from "Quattro pezzi sacri" CPDL #38447
G. Verdi - Brindisi from "La Traviata" CPDL #34547
G. Verdi - Choirs from "La Traviata" IMSLP #392068 (Ricordi 42314)
G. Verdi - Dove guardi splendono raggi da "Otello" IMSLP #24575 (Ricordi 51023)
G. Verdi - Inno delle nazioni IMSLP #500178 (Ricordi, n.d.)
G. Verdi - La Vergine degli Angeli from "La Forza del Destino" IMSLP #30542 (Ricordi 41381)
G. Verdi - Messa da Requiem The University of Chicago Press, Casa Ricordi - BMG Ricordi 134164 ISBN 88-7592-012-5 ISMN M-041-34164-4
G. Verdi - Introduction chorus from "Nabucco" IMSLP #31830 (Ricordi 42312)
G. Verdi - Di lieto giorno un sole from "Nabucco" IMSLP #409924 (Ricordi 42312)
G. Verdi - Tu che a tuo senno from "Nabucco" IMSLP #409924 (Ricordi 42312)
G. Verdi - S'appressan gl'istanti from "Nabucco" IMSLP #409924 (Ricordi 42312)
G. Verdi - Chorus of the Hebrew slaves from "Nabucco" CPDL #886
G. Verdi - Del futuro nel bujo discerno from "Nabucco" IMSLP #409924 (Ricordi 42312)
G. Verdi - Qual grido è questo from "Nabucco" IMSLP #409924 (Ricordi 42312)
G. Verdi - Gloria all'Egitto from "Aida" IMSLP #30368 (Schirmer 13573)
G. Verdi - Pater noster Carus-Verlag C.V. 40.152/10
G. Verdi - Laudi alla Vergine Maria from "Quattro pezzi sacri" CPDL #38448
G. Verdi - Stabat Mater from "Quattro pezzi sacri" Carus-Verlag C.V. 27.294/03
G. Verdi - Te Deum from "Quattro pezzi sacri" Carus-Verlag C.V. 27.500/03
G. Verdi - Fuoco di gioia from "Otello" IMSLP #24575 (Ricordi 51023)
L. da Viadana - Exsultate justi CPDL #46796
Vida (arr. M. Culloton) - Famine song (Copyright) Santa Barbara Music Publishing, Inc., SBMP 575
L. Vierne - Messe solennelle CPDL #22022
M. Visconti - Agnus Dei (Missa Tu es Petrus) (Copyright) From "Convegno Nazionale Scholae Cantorum, Roma 2019", Quaderni Ceciliani n. 186, Associazione Italiana Santa Cecilia
A. Vivaldi - Kyrie RV587 Bärenreiter BA 8950a
A. Vivaldi - Gloria RV588 (see note) IMSLP #116862 (Kalmus K 09919)
A. Vivaldi - Gloria RV589 (Edition 1) Casa Ricordi - BMG Ricordi, ISMN M-04-33130-0
A. Vivaldi - Gloria RV589 (Edition 2) BMG Ricordi Music Publishing 131415
A. Vivaldi - Credo RV591 Universal Edition No. 27D002
A. Vivaldi - Credo RV592 Carus-Verlag CV 40.009/03
A. Vivaldi - Domine ad adjuvandum me festina RV593 Carus-Verlag CV 40.003/03
A. Vivaldi - Dixit Dominus RV594 CPDL #29778, 29777, 29774, 29772, 29770, 29769
A. Vivaldi - Dixit Dominus RV595 CPDL #33445, 33446, 33449, 33451, 33454, 33455
A. Vivaldi - Beatus vir RV597 G. Ricordi & C. 131443
A. Vivaldi - Beatus vir RV598 Universal Edition No. 27A001
A. Vivaldi - In exitu Israel RV604 From "Tre salmi", Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, S. 8521 Z.
A. Vivaldi - Laudate Dominum RV606 (Edition 1) From "Tre salmi", Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, S. 8521 Z.
A. Vivaldi - Laudate Dominum RV606 (Edition 2) IMSLP #593257 (Daniel Van Gilst)
A. Vivaldi - Laetatus sum RV607 From "Tre salmi", Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, S. 8521 Z.
A. Vivaldi - Lauda Jerusalem RV609 CPDL #33368
A. Vivaldi - Magnificat RV610 Bärenreiter BA 7516
S. de Vivanco - Magnificat octavi toni Vanderbeek & Imrie Ltd, ISMN M-57011-018-6
J.F. Wade (arr. D. Forrest) - O come, all ye faithful (Copyright) Beckenhorst Press, CU1011-3
J.F. Wade (arr. M. Johnson) - O come, all ye faithful (Copyright) Dolce & Nuit Productions, DNP-12932
J.F. Wade (arr. M. Wilberg) - O come, all ye faithful (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 9780193869257
R. Wagner - Beglückt darf nun dich (SAB version) From "Oser ... l'opéra", Éditions à coeur joie, A135300092
R. Wagner - Beglückt darf nun dich (SATB version) CPDL #15262
A. Waignein - Missa solemnis (Copyright) Scherzando 1817-11-250 S
W. Walker (arr. M. Connolly) - The babe of Bethlehem (Copyright) G.I.A. Publications, G-3605
T.A. Walmisley - Magnificat in D minor CPDL #15863
W. Walton - Belshazzar’s feast Oxford University Press - ISBN 9780193359543
W. Walton - Coronation Te Deum Oxford University Press - ISBN 0-19-338501-5
P. Warlock - Benedicamus Domino IMSLP #271998 (Boosey H.11270)
T. Weelkes - Gloria in excelsis Deo CPDL #25262
S.S. Wesley - Wash me throughly CPDL #32318
E. Whitacre - i thank You God for most this amazing day (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, WJMS1107
E. Whitacre - Lux aurumque (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, WJMS1024
E. Whitacre - The seal lullaby (Copyright) Hal Leonard Corporation, HL08749149
E. Whitacre - Sleep (Copyright) Walton Music Corporation, HL.8501462
E. Whitacre - With a lily in your hand (Copyright) Santa Barbara Music Publishing SBMP-431
J. Whitbourn - Requiem canticorum (Copyright) Chester Music Ltd., ISBN 1780385617
M. Wilberg (arr.) - Joy to the world (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 9780193864276
D. Willcocks - A Ceremony of Psalms (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0-19-338731-7
D. Willcocks (arr.) - Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Copyright) From "Carols for Choirs 2", Oxford University Press 978-0-19-353565-7
J. Willcocks - Sing praises (Copyright) Oxford University Press - ISBN 978-0193387393
J. Williams (arr. D. and J. Perry) - Exsultate justi (Copyright) Warner Tamerlane Publishing Corp., SV9706
J. Williams - Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas (Copyright) From "Three holiday songs from Home Alone", Hal Leonard, HL 04490039
J. Williams - Somewhere in my memory (Copyright) From "Three holiday songs from Home Alone", Hal Leonard, HL 04490039
P. Williams (arr. D. Sharon) - Happy (Copyright) Hal Leonard Corporation, HL 00139817
C. Wood - Requiem Halstan & Co Ltd.
P. Yon - Gesù bambino (The infant Jesus/Jesu redemptor) IMSLP #387990 (J. Fischer & Bro., J. F. & B. 4659)
V. Youmans (arr. K. Shaw) - Without a song (Copyright) Warner Bros. Publications, CH9537
M. Zaphelius - Veni redemptor gentium Doblinger D.13623
D. Zehavi (arr. G. Aldema) - Eli eli (Copyright) A vocal array: Israeli songs arranged for choir - Modan Publishing House
J.D. Zelenka - Gloria from "Missa Dei filii" ZWV20 Breitkopf EB 8050
J.D. Zelenka - Consolatrix afflictorum (Litaniae Lauretanae) ZWV151 IMSLP #470325 (Wolfgang Skala)
J.D. Zelenka - Magnificat ZWV108 CPDL #33015
J.D. Zelenka - Miserere ZWV57 Breitkopf EB 8049
J.D. Zelenka - Missa Purificationis ZWV16 IMSLP #436595 (Werner Jaksch)
J.D. Zelenka - Missa Sancti Spiritus ZWV4 IMSLP #360500 (Werner Jaksch)
J.D. Zelenka - Responsoria pro hebdomada sancta (selection) Carus-Verlag CV 40.466